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Impact of a Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology (PAG) Learning Module: A Multi-Institutional Randomized Controlled Study

Purpose: To determine if an online PAG learning module improves resident knowledge and clinical performance.

Background: CREOG recommends education in PAG, yet resident training is often inadequate secondary to insufficient specialists and clinical exposure.

Methods: We conducted a multi-institutional single-blinded randomized controlled trial across four university programs; three had PAG rotations and two had PAG fellowship-trained faculty.  Our intervention was a previously validated 20-minute electronic module.  We applied block randomization across institutions in a 1:1 ratio.  All residents subsequently completed a PAG-related knowledge assessment (maximum score=5) that queried understanding of pre-pubertal bleeding and an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE, maximum score=16) that assessed history collection and performance of a genital exam, vaginal culture, and vaginoscopy for a pediatric patient.  OSCEs were videotaped and reviewed by two blinded faculty; inter-rater reliability score was 96.5%.  We calculated frequencies and compared composite knowledge assessment and OSCE scores using median tests. 

Results: Amongst 115 invited residents, 97 (83.4%) participated; 45 were randomized to the module with equal representation across training levels.   Majorities were female (90.7%) and reported no prior PAG didactic (77%) or clinical experiences (77%-87.6%); randomization groups were similar.  The intervention group scored significantly higher on both the knowledge assessment (4 versus 2, p < 0.001) and the OSCE (13 versus 7, p < 0.001).  Notably, the intervention group was more likely to appropriately avoid using a speculum in a pediatric patient (95.6% vs. 57.7%, p < 0.001).

Discussions: Our self-study PAG module resulted in improved knowledge and clinical approaches and may be of benefit to other training programs.

Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2020, Student, Resident, Faculty, Residency Director, Residency Coordinator, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement, GME, Assessment, Problem-Based Learning, Standardized Patient, Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology,

General Information

Student,Resident,Faculty,Residency Director,Residency Coordinator,
Patient Care,Medical Knowledge,Systems-Based Practice & Improvement,Practice-Based Learning & Improvement,
Assessment,Problem-Based Learning,Standardized Patient,
Clinical Focus
Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology,

Author Information

Patricia Huguelet, MD; University of Colorado School of Medicine; Margaret Abraham, MD, MsC; Tania Dumont, MD; Nicole Karjane, MD; Carol Wheeler, MD; Maryam Guiahi, MD, MsC

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