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OB-GYN Based Women.s Health Fellowship: Five Year Summary
Carrie L. Bell
Margaret Punch, Timothy J. Johnson
Background: The University of Michigan department of OB-GYN has offered an interdisciplinary, expansive, and flexible fellowship in Women’s Health since 2007. Physicians trained in OBGYN, family medicine (FM), internal medicine (IM), pediatrics and psychiatry were invited to apply.
Objective: To provide excellent, broad-based training in women-focused clinical medicine as well as foster academic leaders in women’s health.
Methods: The WH fellowship advisory committee has chosen one fellow annually since 2007. Each fellow, with the guidance of the fellowship director, developed an individualized clinical curriculum using the available electives at the University of Michigan. Three fellows were practicing physicians so part-time; flexible schedules for their fellowship activities were employed. Duration of fellowship training varies for each fellow: full time, a four-week intensive clinical elective, a 2-yr part-time commitment, and a 1-yr part-time commitment. All fellows had maintained a clinical practice as attending physicians outside of the fellowship with varying weekly time commitments. Additional faculty development could be accessed including public health, statistics and medical education.
Results: The 5 fellows trained since 2007 represent the following disciplines: gastroenterology, IM (private practice), university based general IM, and two FM immediately post residency. Electives were chosen based on each fellow’s goals. One university based general IM created a four week intensive elective. One physician maintained a full time clinical practice 4 hours away. Her fellowship required two years, working one day every month in women specific primary care electives to meet her goals. Both FM wanted more outpatient gynecology procedures: colposcopy, LEEP, IUD placement, endometrial and vulvar biopsy. One learned to perform vasectomies and medical abortions. Faculty development in medical education has been completed by one fellow to date. Feedback from fellows cites the flexibility and breadth of experience and opportunities as strong components of the program. Three FM were accepted as fellows in 2011 because of high demand and quality.
Conclusions: The Women’s Health fellowship at the University of Michigan offers an opportunity to recent graduates and currently practicing physicians to obtain addition training in women’s health and become clinical and academic leaders. The intrinsic flexibility permits fellows to explore personal interests and specific goals in the field of Women’s Health. All trained fellow continue to incorporate women’s health practice and education in their practices. Future directions may involve one track for recent graduating residents and a track for practicing physician desiring reentry or up training.
CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2012, Resident, Faculty, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Director, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, GME, CME, Quality & Safety, Global Health, Public Health, Advocacy, Contraception or Family Planning, Infectious Disease, General Ob-Gyn,