Purpose: To
implement an institutionally-specific process to: A: Identify wellness
challenges/burnout contributors. Develop a systematic approach to wellness
programming prioritized by Maslow need level
Background: Addressing wellness challenges/burnout contributors (WC/BC) is critically
important to both providers and the patients they treat.
Methods: A representative task force was assembled.
Using mind-mapping, members developed a comprehensive list of WC/BC
issues and related factors. These were
then mapped by members to Maslow need levels ranging from physiologic (level 1)
to transcendence (level 8). PDs were then queried regarding wellness
programming in their residencies to generate a “menu” of
institutionally-available programming. Gaps were then identified by mapping
WC/BC issues to available PD-reported programming. Highest priority was given to program
development for WC/BC issues with lowest Maslow levels for which there was no
programming available.
Results: From October, 2016-May, 2017, the task forced include 20 representatives
from 7 departments and the GME Office and included residency/fellowship PDs,
residents, and staff. Through mind-mapping work, 12 categories of WC/BC
issues and 38 related factors were identified. While all GME program directors
reported having WC/BC programming in place, the majority (57%) of this was
informal support around “healthy lifestyles”. For 34 of 38 factors (89%)
identified, no programming was reported. Notably, when mapping factors to
Maslow need level, 30 of 38 (80%) mapped to basic Maslow levels 1-4.
Program development was recommended for WC/BC factors with lowest Maslow levels
for which no institutional programming was in place.
Discussions: An
institutionally-specific approach to identifying WC/BC issues and prioritizing
them for resource development by Maslow level was successfully implemented.
Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2018, Student, Resident, Faculty, Clerkship Director, Clerkship Coordinator, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Director, Residency Coordinator, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Professionalism, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, GME, CME, UME, Quality & Safety, Problem-Based Learning, General Ob-Gyn,
AnnaMarie Connolly, MD