Simulation Use for Global Away Rotations (SUGAR) is an open source curriculum initially developed by a collaborative of pediatricians to allow residents to experience and debrief common practical and emotional challenges of working in resource-limited settings. The original curriculum included 8 pediatric simulation cases with facilitators trained at over 80 institutions. A multi-disciplinary group was formed to harness the principals of the SUGAR curriculum to provide simulation training for residents in specialties beyond pediatrics.
OB/Gyn collaborators were trained to facilitate SUGAR cases. New OB-Gyn simulation cases were developed, formatted, and piloted with multi-disciplinary groups of residents at our academic institution over a three-year period.
Results: Three new OB/Gyn SUGAR cases were developed and piloted with the goal of allowing residents to experience and debrief common medical management and emotional complexities faced in resource-limited settings. The following medical topics are addressed: obstructed labor, postpartum hemorrhage, eclampsia, female genital cutting. The following negative emotional experiences/adaptive characteristics are addressed: frustration/adaptability, floundering/awareness of resources, failure/adjustment & humility. Facilitator and resident feedback is under evaluation. Collaborators agreed that the content would be made available for free for use in global health education on the training website
Discussions: By creating, piloting, and open-sourcing simulation cases in OB/Gyn, the SUGAR curriculum can be expanded to fill a need of global health educators in OB/Gyn. SUGAR simulations hold promise to expand resident preparation for international electives in resource-llimited settings.
Keywords: Cultural Diversity/Cultural Competency, Global Health, Interdisciplinary, Simulation
Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2017, Student, Resident, Faculty, Residency Director, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Professionalism, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, GME, Simulation, Global Health,
Mary Rysavy, MD, University of Wisconsin Madison; Sabrina Butteris, MD, FAAP; Michael PItt, MD, FAAP; Cynthie Anderson, MD, MPH, FACOG