In our current legislative environment, it is important for future health care providers
to have the skills to advocate for issues that affect patients and healthcare delivery. Physicians need to
be able to partner with various stakeholders in order to effect positive change. This workshop will share
the experience of a single state - including faculty and students from 5 medical schools and residents
from 3 programs- as an example of collaborative success in complementary curricular development.
The session will provide tools for other states to collaborate in training effective advocates.
Workshop Agenda and Interactive Component:
Participants will be introduced to the variety of advocacy opportunities - from hospital or institutional
policies to local, state, or national legislative issues - and how partnering with neighboring institutions,
ACOG and state medical associations can avoid duplication of efforts.
Utilizing audience response systems and small group discussion, participants will identify advocacy
opportunities to engage learners in their home state and community. This will form the scaffolding for
one’s own approach to integrating advocacy curriculum in their home and neighboring institutions.
Take Home Product:
In addition to great ideas from an engaging discussion, an electronic tool kit containing sample syllabi,
independent learning modules, and slide sets that can be adopted or modified, will be provided to
Key Words:
Advocacy, collaboration, multi-institution
Topics: Faculty Development Seminar, 2019, Student, Resident, Clerkship Director, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Director, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, GME, CME, UME, Quality & Safety, Public Health, Advocacy,
Laura Mercer, MD, Ilana Addis, MD, MPH, Patricia Habak, MD