Purpose: Assess whether a medical student (MS)4-led exam review session is an effective means of improving MS2-MS3 National Board of Medicine Exam (NBME) performance.
Background: The NBME composes a portion of the final grade in the OB-Gyn clerkship at many medical schools and is often tied to eligibility for honors, which influence class rank and residency match success. Although there is uncertainty as to how much the NBME reflects specific clerkship learning, it has been shown to correlate well to USMLE scores. In contrast, the NBME shelf exam scores have poor correlation to students’ self-assessed fund of knowledge, reflecting an important source of feedback.
Methods: A 2-hour exam review curriculum designed by an MS4 and the clerkship director was administered to MS2-MS3 students during regularly scheduled, required didactic time in the last week of the clerkship prior to the exam. NBME scores were compared using one-tailed t-test with scores from the year prior to the intervention.
Results: 275 test-takers were compared, 149 in the year prior to the intervention and 126 in the year after. Students who were offered the exam review scored significantly higher on the NBME than students in the previous year (79.18 vs 76.02, p=0.03).
Discussions: Senior medical students can be effective teachers of junior medical students as demonstrated by the significantly improved NBME performance following implementation of a MS4-led exam review session. Medical students who have a strong interest and knowledge may be an untapped resource for student success in the Ob-Gyn clerkship.
Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2020, Student, Resident, Faculty, Clerkship Director, Clerkship Coordinator, Osteopathic Faculty, Medical Knowledge, UME, Assessment, General Ob-Gyn,
Emily Boevers, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center; Stephanie Baldwin, BA; Amelia Underwood, BS, BA; Sally Fisher; Sarah Shaffer, DO; Colleen Stockdale, MD, MS