Background: PPIUD use may be reduced if providers feel they have inadequate knowledge and skills.
Methods: From 11/2013-2/2015, obstetrical providers at two teaching hospitals participated in a 30-minute PPIUD simulation workshop. We assessed knowledge of PPIUD indications, technique, and safety, and comfort with knowledge and skills pre-intervention, immediately following, and 6 months post-training.
Results: Training participants (n=84) included 39 residents and 45 attendings (25 certified nurse-midwives and 20 OB/GYNs). Fifty-seven participants (68%) completed the 6-month assessments. Many participants had placed PPIUDs (54% of residents vs 64% of attendings, p=0.32); 52% were comfortable with their knowledge and 45% with their insertion skills defined by self-assessment of ≥7 on a10-point scale. On the pre-test, 77% answered ≥80% of the knowledge-based questions correctly; this proportion rose to 95% and 97% on the immediate and 6-month assessments respectively, and were similar between residents and attendings. Immediately post-simulation, 94% of participants scored their comfort with PPIUD knowledge at ≥7/10; this fell to 86% by 6 months. Likewise, 87% and 74% scored their comfort with skills at ≥7/10 immediately and at 6 months respectively. By 6 months, 81% reported placing ≥1 PPIUD (92% of residents and 71% of attendings, p=0.05).
Discussions: Residents and attendings demonstrate sustained improvement in knowledge and comfort with PPIUDs 6 months after a standardized simulation workshop. This may lead to increased provision of PPIUDs to patients.
Keywords: evaluation; PPIUD; simulation
Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2016, Resident, Faculty, Residency Director, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, GME, CME, Assessment, Simulation, Contraception or Family Planning,
Lisa Goldthwaite, MD, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Jeanelle Sheeder, PhD; Stephanie Teal, MD, MPH; Kristina Tocce, MD, MPH