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Sexual Health Education Challenges- How to handle the hard stuff
Background: Sexual Health Education is lacking in many medical schools and OB/GYN
Residency programs, with many residents feeling like this should be a priority, but most inadequately
prepared for graduation and practice.
Workshop Agenda: This workshop aims to identify opportunities for learners in the most challenging
topics of sexual health education including: transgender health, sex trafficking, and cultural competency
with female genital cutting. Learners will be able to identify and familiarize themselves with the key
information they need and practice the skills that are most essential to prepare them to teach medical
students and residents proficiency in these areas.
Interactive Component: The workshop will utilize a flipped classroom technique to review challenging
issues in transgender health, sex trafficking, and cultural competency including female genital cutting.
We will then proceed to have a small group patient simulation exercise to illustrate difficult scenarios,
and give learners practice with the end goal of proficiency in these areas.
Take home product: Learners will bring back to their home institutions proficiency in the most
challenging areas of Sexual Health Education, with patient cases to run small group exercises to directly
insert lessons learned into their OB/GYN Resident and Medical Student curriculum.
Faculty Development Seminar, 2018, Clerkship Director, Residency Director, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, GME, UME, Problem-Based Learning, Sexuality,