Inspiration Station: APGO Effective Preceptor Series

With budget cutbacks, family commitments, and the time required to pursue essentially two careers – practicing physician and educator – we know that it’s hard to fit faculty development into an already packed schedule. And, for community-based educators managing a busy medical practice, it can be near impossible to jet off to an offsite training program. That’s why we created the APGO Effective Preceptor Series. Now you can get CME-accredited faculty development training online through our Effective Preceptor pamphlets and companion videos.

The Effective Preceptor module covers 12 medical education topics offering countless tips and tools for teaching and evaluating learners. The asynchronous format and mobile-responsive platform enable on-demand access to faculty development anytime, anywhere. So, whether you’re new to precepting or are looking for a new approach to a common teaching challenge, you can find practical teaching strategies while you’re between patients, riding the metro to campus, or waiting for the Game of Thrones intro music to fill your living room.

And, because you’ll want to share the module with your residents (it makes an excellent residents-as-teachers curriculum) or your friend in internal medicine (the topics are applicable to precepting in any medical discipline), we created a handy 8.5” x 11” informational poster. Print and post it in your department’s common area, or email it to a colleague under the subject line “Awesome New Resource from APGO.” We want to make faculty development accessible to everyone, and hope you’ll help us spread the word.