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Outpatient Obstetrics

Case: Ms. Nora Adams is a 40-year-old G7P4115 who presented initially for care at 12 weeks of gestation. She had a normal first trimester ultrasound that confirmed dating, but did not have her labs done and never returned for a follow-up visit until now. She is now at 36-weeks gestation.

This case incorporates the following Milestones:   OB 1: Antepartum Care and Complications of Pregnancy
  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of normal obstetrical care and common medical complications seen in pregnancy
  OB 3:  Care of Patients in the Postpartum Period
  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of normal postpartum care
  OP 1:  Family Planning
  • Verbalizes basic knowledge about common contraceptive options
  This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):  
  • EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical examination
  • EPA 2: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
  • EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
  • EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
  • EPA 10: Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care
  This case incorporates the following Basic Clinical Skills (BCS) checklists: N/A

Take a complete history from this patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Obtain a complete history from this patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following patient history as asked by the learner:

  • HPI: She is feeling well and experiences positive fetal movement. Her pregnancy was complicated by advanced maternal age, grand multiparity, obesity, and diet controlled gestational diabetes.
  • PMH: HTN (no meds); AMA; obesity (pre-pregnancy height/weight was 64”/207 pounds)
  • PSH: none
  • P Ob Hx: 5 vaginal deliveries; 1 preterm due to hypertension; 1 spontaneous abortion
  • P Gyn Hx: no abnormal Pap tests; last Pap test 2 years ago; no sexually transmitted diseases; no endometriosis/fibroids; monthly menstrual cycles lasting 5 days
  • Medicines: none
  • Allergies: none
  • SH: no tobacco; no alcohol; married
  • FH: non-contributory
  • Review of systems: fatigued; no bleeding since delivery; denies skin changes/hair changes; no depression; no vaginal bleeding; no regular contractions; denies headaches, visual changes, epigastric pain; minimal symmetric lower extremity edema.

Educator Checklist: HPI
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Introduces her/himself appropriately (first name, last name, medical student)
Addresses patient as per patient preference
Clarifies purpose of visit, asks if patient has any other concerns
Washes hands correctly (before touching patient), uses sterile technique throughout visit
Obtains accurate obstetric history: number of deliveries, mode of delivery, gestational ages, any complications
Obtains accurate gynecologic history: menarche/duration/frequency, first coitus, STIs, abnormal Pap tests, gynecologic surgery or problems, sexual orientation, lifetime partners, problems with intercourse
Obtains accurate review of systems for chief complaint: typical pregnancy symptoms, contractions, leaking fluid, bleeding, fetal movement. Also includes the following pertinent review of systems: headache, edema, RUQ or epigastric pain, visual changes
Obtains accurate past medical history
Obtains accurate surgical history
Obtains accurate medication use, asks about over the counter and herbal supplements
Obtains accurate allergy history (ideally about food allergies, too)
Obtains accurate family history
Obtains accurate social history including smoking, alcohol use, drug use


Perform a focused physical examination on a pregnant patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Perform a focused physical exam on this patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following details of focused physical examination as asked by the learner:

  • Vitals: temperature 98.6° F; BP 149/96; HR 86; RR 18; oxygen saturation 97%
  • Height: 64 inches
  • Weight: 207 pounds
  • Skin: warm, dry; no rashes; no lesions.
  • Abdomen: no right upper quadrant tenderness; fundus soft, midline, non-tender; fundal height 31 cm.
  • Extremity exam: 3+ deep tendon reflexes, 1 beat clonus, 1+ pitting edema to mid-calf, symmetric
  • Vagina: no abnormal discharge; cervix 2 cm dilated/50% effaced, soft, mid position; sutures palpable; fetal head at -2 station; no evidence of ruptured membranes
  • Fetal heart tones: 140 bpm baseline; moderate variability; + accelerations; no decelerations; Category I

Educator Checklist: Physical Examination

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Vital signs: obtains vital signs and recognizes elevated blood pressure and elevated body mass index
Abdominal examination: checks for right upper quadrant tenderness, examines fundus and fundal height
Obstetric examination: checks fetal lie, presence of fetal heart tones
Extremity examination: checks for edema
Neurologic examination: checks reflexes, checks for clonus, recognizes abnormalities
Pelvic examination: performs external genital examination during group B beta streptococcus collection, examines cervix

Develop an initial problem list for this patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Develop an initial problem list.
Educator Checklist: Patient Problem List
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Advanced maternal age: recognizes age >35 at delivery is advanced maternal age and carries increased risk to pregnancy
Poor prenatal care: recognizes that the patient’s lack of visit since 12-weeks gestation carries increased risk to pregnancy
Hypertension: recognizes current blood pressure is abnormal, and recognizes patient’s history of hypertension as a complication to the pregnancy
Obesity: recognizes the patient’s obesity; recognizes that the obesity increases the risk to the pregnancy
Fundal height less than expected: recognizes discrepancy in dating and fundal height

Order diagnostic tests

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 3, EPA 4

Learner Task: The nurse asks what tests you would like to order for the patient. Order the appropriate diagnostic tests.
Educator Checklist: Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

   Included =1  Not included =0
Urinalysis or urine drip
 Urine protein: creatinine ratio or 24 hour urine protein
 Complete blood count
 Metabolic profile/chemistry
 Liver function tests
 Blood type and antibody screen
 Syphilis screening
 HIV screening
 Hepatitis screening
 Gonorrhea/chlamydia screening
Group B strep screening
Rubella immunity testing
Diabetes screening
Nonstress test or biophysical profile
Ultrasound for fetal growth

Interpret diagnostic tests

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 10

Learner Task: Identify additional problems found in the patient based on the diagnostic test results.
Educator Script: Provide the following diagnostic tests results to the learner (if ordered in the previous task):

Diagnostic Test Result
Urinalysis or urine dip 3+ protein
Urine protein: creatinine ratio or 24-hour urine protein Ratio: 0.6
24-hour urine: 531 mg
Complete blood count WBC=10.4, Hgb=8, HCT=25.1, platelets=101,000
Metabolic profile/chemistry Na=142, Cl=106, K+=3.5, BUN=12, Cr=0.7, glucose=112
Liver function tests AST=102, ALT=96
Blood type and antibody screen A+, negative screen
Syphilis screening negative
HIV screening negative
Hepatitis screening negative
Gonorrhea/chlamydia screening negative
Group B strep screening negative
Rubella immunity testing immune
Diabetes screening (GCT or A1C) GCT=122
Nonstress test or biophysical profile reactive
Ultrasound for fetal growth EFW=2183 g (<10%ile), cephalic, AFI=13 cm

Educator Checklist: Interpret Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Anemia: recognizes low Hemoglobin/HCT
Proteinuria: recognizes the protein, creatinine, or 24-hour urine collections are abnormal
Fetal growth restriction: recognizes the growth restriction
Elevated liver function tests: recognizes elevated liver function tests


Develop a diagnosis

EPAs: EPA 10, EPA 2

Learner Task: What is the diagnosis for this patient?
Correct Diagnosis: Pre-eclampsia with severe features

Identify risk factors for pre-eclampsia

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 10

Learner Task: Identify risk factors for pre-eclampsia.
Educator Checklist: Risk Factors for Pre-Eclampsia
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Advanced maternal age
Chronic hypertension
History of pre-eclampsia


Develop a management plan for a patient with pre-eclampsia with severe features

Milestones: OB 1

Learner Task: Develop a management plan for a patient with pre-eclampsia with severe features.
Educator Checklist: Management of Pre-Eclampsia with Severe Features
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Admits to hospital
Plans induction, delivery
Plans seizure prophylaxis
Recognizes importance of gestational age

Identify components of postpartum care

Milestones: OB 3, OP 1

Learner Task: The patient ultimately delivers vaginally and returns for postpartum examination. Identify the components of her postpartum care that are important to address at the postpartum visit.
Educator Checklist: Postpartum Care of Patient with Pre-Eclampsia
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Depression screening: asks about signs or symptoms of depression
Contraception: asks about sexual activity and contraception. Appropriately counsels patient about at least four appropriate contraception options, including sterilization and long-acting reversible contraception. Can include side effects, risks, and contraindications for all four.
Liver function tests: assesses for persistent elevated liver function tests
Breastfeeding concerns: asks about breastfeeding
Physical recovery: asks about pain, vaginal bleeding, return of sexual activity
Domestic violence: screens for domestic violence and safety
Future pregnancy: discusses timing of future pregnancy, importance of appropriate spacing of pregnancies
Blood pressure screening: assesses for persistent elevated blood pressures