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Complete Case

Inpatient Gynecology

Milestones: GY 1c, GY 2, GY 3, GY 7, IC 2, PB 1, SB 1

EPAs: EPA 1, EPA 13, EPA 2, EPA 3, EPA 7

This case incorporates the following Milestones:

GY 1c: Gynecology Technical Skills: Endoscopy (Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Cystoscopy)

  • Demonstrates basic understanding of abdominal and pelvic anatomy
  • Positions patient appropriately for surgery


GY 2: Peri-operative Care

  • Demonstrates knowledge of basic abdominal and pelvic anatomy


GY 3: Abdominal/Pelvic Pain (Acute and Chronic)

  • Demonstrates a basic understanding of patients presenting with abdominal/pelvic pain regarding 1) risk factors; 2) signs and symptoms


GY 7: First Trimester Bleeding

  • Demonstrates basic understanding of normal early pregnancy development, including implantation, early embryology, and placental development


SB 1: Patient Safety and Systems Approach to Medical Errors: Participate in identifying system errors and implementing potential systems solutions

  • Recognize limitations and failures of a team approach (e.g. hand-offs, miscommunication) in health care as the leading cause of preventable patient harm


PB 1: Self-directed Learning/Critical Appraisal of Medical Literature

  • Demonstrates an understanding of critical appraisal of the literature
  • Demonstrates responsiveness of constructive feedback


IC 2: Communication with Physicians and Other Health Professionals and Teamwork

  • Understands the importance of relationship development, information gathering and sharing and teamwork

This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):

  • EPA 1:   Gather a history and perform a physical examination
  • EPA 2:   Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
  • EPA 3:   Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
  • EPA 7:   Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
  • EPA 13: Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement

Obtain a medical history in a reproductive-aged woman


Learner Task: Take a pertinent history in a reproductive woman.
Educator Script: Provide the following pertinent patient history of a reproductive-aged woman with pelvic pain as asked by the learner.

  • HPI: Gravida 0, LMP 6 weeks ago
  • P GYN Hx: Menarche at 12 years old, menstrual cycles q28-30 days lasting 4 days, moderate dysmenorrhea, no dyspareunia, coitarche at 16 year old, 2 lifetime male partners, treated for chlamydia 1 year ago, using condoms inconsistently for contraception, has never had a Pap smear.
  • PMH: None
  • Meds: None
  • Allergies: No drug allergies
  • PSH: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
  • Social History: She is in her senior year of high school, makes A’s and B’s in school. She is heterosexual and has had a boyfriend for a little over a year, they use condoms some of the time. She is in the school band, smokes occasionally, has tried alcohol, and denies drugs.
  • Review of systems: Complains of loss of appetite today, nausea x 2 weeks, denies the following: vomiting, constipation, increased urinary frequency, vaginal discharge or odor, personal history of bleeding disorders, breast discharge or tenderness, headaches, sob, dizziness, chest pain, and fever.

Educator Checklist: History Taking
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Student introduced her/himself appropriately (first name, last name, medical student)
Student addressed patient as per patient preference
Student clarified purpose of visit
Student washed hands correctly (before touching patient)
Obtains accurate gynecologic history and sexual history
Obtains accurate obstetrics history
Obtains accurate review of systems for chief complaint  


Obtains accurate past medical history
Obtains accurate surgical history
Obtains accurate medication use, asks about over the counter and herbal supplements
Obtains accurate allergy history
Obtains accurate family history
Obtains accurate social history including smoking, alcohol use, drug use


Develop a differential diagnosis for abdominal pain in a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: GY 3


Learner Task: Develop a differential diagnosis for abdominal pain.
Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain in Reproductive Aged Woman
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Intrauterine pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion (missed, threatened, incomplete, complete, septic)
Ovarian cyst
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Ovarian torsion


Order and interpret diagnostic tests for a reproductive-aged woman with abdominal pain


Learner Task: Review the following details of focused physical examination and order the diagnostic tests that are most appropriate next step in management of this patient.

  • Vital Signs: BP 110/70, P 101, Respirations 16, afebrile
  • General: awake, alert and oriented x 3 in no acute distress
  • Heart and lung exam: normal other than tachycardia
  • Abdomen: + BS, mildly tender to palpation, guarding, no rebound; no masses appreciated.
  • Pelvic: normal external genitalia, normal urethral meatus, moist rugated vaginal mucosa, small amount of blood from cervical os, no discharge or odor appreciated. On bimanual exam, uterus is mildly enlarged and anteverted, smooth outer contour, mild cervical motion tenderness, cervical os is closed, fullness in right adnexa, left adnexa normal.

Educator Checklist: Ordering and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Included =1 Not included =0
Orders pregnancy test
Orders CBC
Orders blood type and Rh screen
Orders pelvic ultrasound

Develop a differential diagnosis in a patient with first trimester bleeding

Milestones: GY 7


Learner Task: Review the following lab and radiology results and develop a differential diagnosis for first trimester bleeding.

  • Labs: WBC’s normal, Hemoglobin 10.1, Hematocrit 30%, platelets 225K, hCG 8326 mIU/ml, Blood type O Positive
  • Radiology: Ultrasound showed right sided adnexal mass containing a gestational sac measuring 0.9 cm with yolk sac measuring 0.4 mm. No fetal pole or heart beat. The entire adnexal mass measures 2.2 cm, with mild free fluid in pelvis; no intrauterine gestational sac seen. Normal left adnexa.

Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis of First Trimester Bleeding
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Intrauterine pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion (missed, threatened, incomplete, complete, septic)
Bleeding from lower urogenital tract (i.e. cervix, vagina)
Molar pregnancy
Bleeding from rectum

Learner Follow-up: Based on the information so far, what is the diagnosis?
Correct Answer: Unruptured ectopic pregnancy

List risk factors for ectopic pregnancy

Milestones: GY 3

Learner Task: List the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy and which factors this patient has.
Educator Checklist: Risk Factors for Ectopic Pregnancy (*this patient has)
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included  =1 Not included =0
Maternal age 35-44 years
Previous ectopic pregnancy
Previous pelvic or abdominal
History of gonorrhea
History of pelvic inflammatory
Several induced abortions
Conceiving after tubal ligation
Conceiving while an IUD is in place
Using fertility medications

Perform an evidence-based medicine search on treatment options for ectopic pregnancy

Milestones: PB 1


Learner Task: Perform a quick literature search for potential treatments and describe management options for ectopic pregnancy.
Educator Checklist: Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Included =1 Not included =0
Provides evidence for medical treatment
Provides evidence for surgical treatment options

Communicate elements of sign-out/handoff using SBAR in a patient with suspected pregnancy

Milestones: SB 1

EPAs: EPA 13

Learner Task: Communicate elements of sign-out/handoff using SBAR in a patient with suspected pregnancy.
Educator Checklist: Communication Elements of Sign-Out/Handoff
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Included =1 Not included =0
Situation (pertinent history and physical): unstable ectopic pregnancy in the ER. Student gives chief complaint, estimated gestational age, hCG level, US report, vital signs, exam, change in symptoms
Background: mentions all elements: age, history of chlamydia, vaginal bleeding
Assessment: unstable ectopic pregnancy
Recommendation: emergent operation

Describe the value and limitations of patient handoffs

Milestones: SB 1

EPAs: EPA 13

Learner Task: After completing your brief literature search, the nurse calls and says the patient just returned from ultrasound is having increased abdominal pain. Her vital signs are now: BP 80/60, P 125, afebrile, RR 24. The student re-evaluates the patient who now has rebound and guarding on abdominal exam. The student calls the chief resident to give sign-out of the patient. Describe the value and limitations of patient handoffs.


Educator Checklist: Values and Limitations of Patient Handoffs
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Handoff Value Included =1 Not included =0
Team-approach to care
Takes advantage of hierarchal knowledge and experience of upper level residents/faculty
Allows for clarification of medical issues
Accurate and timely transition of patient care information
Handoff Limitations Included =1 Not included =0
Interferes with continuity of care
Doesn’t always prioritize highest acuity patients or care elements
Not all information may be appropriately communicated

Demonstrate proper patient positioning of laparoscopy

Milestones: GY 1c

Leaner Task: You are now in the operating room. You plan to do a laparoscopy. The patient has been given general endotracheal anesthesia. Demonstrate proper patient positioning of laparoscopy.
Educator Checklist: Patient Positioning for Laparoscopy
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

General Included =1 Not included =0
Describes the most common positions for patients in routine gynecologic procedures.
Describes the goal of patient positioning for surgery
Describes the risks if surgical positioning is done incorrectly
Describes the appropriate steps in patient positioning in surgery
Lateral aspect of knee Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (common peroneal)
Consequence of injury (decreased sensation on lateral lower leg, dorsal foot, foot drop)
Correct position to avoid injury (knee toward opposite shoulder, no pressure on lateral aspect)
Elbow Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (ulnar)
Consequence of injury (decreased sensation and weakness in 4th and 5th digits)
Correct position to avoid injury (elbow padded, arm pronated, avoid hyperextension)
Hip Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous)
Consequence of injury (sensory deficit of thigh, weakness of hip flexion, knee extension)
Correct position to avoid injury (no hyperflexion of hip, limit abduction and external rotation)
Body Included =1 Not included =0
Buttocks at edge of bed, no sacral pressure
Patient centered on bed
Accurately assesses cervical effacement
Arms Included =1 Not included =0
Arms tucked
Arms pronated, thumbs up or thumbs in
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of elbow
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of wrist
Arms padded
Fingers safe
Legs Included =1 Not included =0
Lithotomy stirrup clips at level of the greater trochanter or ASIS
Heels snug in the boot, weight of patient on the heel, heel at back of boot
Ankle, knee, hip, umbilicus, opposite shoulder all in alignment
No pressure on posterior calf
No pressure on lateral aspect of leg
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of hips
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of knees
Limit abduction and external rotation


Outpatient Gynecology

Milestones: GY 1a, GY 2, GY 4, GY 5, IC 1, IC 3, SB 1

EPAs: EPA 1, EPA 11, EPA 13, EPA 2, EPA 3, EPA 5, EPA 7

This case incorporates the following Milestones:

GY 1a: Patient Care, Gynecology Technical Skills: Laparotomy

  • Demonstrates knowledge of basic abdominal and pelvic anatomy
  • Demonstrates basic surgical principles including use of universal precautions and aseptic technique
  • Positions patient appropriately for surgery

GY 2: Medical Knowledge, Peri-operative Care

  • Demonstrates knowledge of basic abdominal and pelvis anatomy

GY 4: Medical Knowledge, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (Acute and Chronic)

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of what constitutes normal and abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Verbalizes the phases of the normal menstrual cycle

GY 5: Medical Knowledge, Pelvic Mass

  • Demonstrates a basic understanding of patients presenting with a pelvic mass, including differential diagnosis signs and Symptoms

SB 1: Systems-based Practice: Patient Safety and Systems Approach to Medical Errors: Participate in Identifying System Errors and Implementing Potential Systems Solutions

  • Recognizes limitations and failures of a team approach (e.g. handoffs, miscommunication) in health care as the leading cause of preventable patient harm

IC 1:  Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Communication with Patients and Families

  • Demonstrates adequate listening skills
  • Communicates effectively in routine clinical situations

IC 3: Interpersonal Communication Skills: Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making

  • Understands the importance of informed consent


This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):

  • EPA 1:  Gather a history and perform a physical examination
  • EPA 2:  Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
  • EPA 3:  Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
  • EPA 5:  Document a clinical encounter in the patient record
  • EPA 7:  Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
  • EPA 11:  Obtain informed consent for tests and/or procedures
  • EPA 13:  Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement

Inpatient Obstetrics

Milestones: OB 2, OB 4, OB 5, PB 2, PR 1

EPAs: EPA 1, EPA 4, EPA 7

This case incorporates the following Milestones:

OB 2: Care of Patients in the Intrapartum Period

  • Demonstrates knowledge of routine uncomplicated Intrapartum care including normal labor

OB 4: Obstetrical Technical Skills

  • Demonstrates basic surgical principles, including use of universal precautions and aseptic technique
  • Performs basic procedures, including speculum examination and cervical examination

OB 5: Immediate Care of the Newborn

  • Performs initial warming and drying of a non-depressed infant

PB 2: Quality Improvement Process:  Systematically analyze practice using QI methods and implement changes with the goal of practice improvement

  • Has a commitment to self-evaluation, lifelong learning, and patient safety

PR 1: Compassion, Integrity, and Respect for Others

  • Understands the importance of compassion, integrity, and respect for others
  • Demonstrates sensitivity and responsiveness to patients

This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):

  • EPA 1: Gather a patient history and perform a physical examination
  • EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
  • EPA 7: Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
  • EPA 10: Recognize a patient requiring urgent / emergent care and initiate evaluation and management
  • EPA 12: Perform general procedures of a physician

Outpatient Obstetrics

This case incorporates the following Milestones:


OB 1: Antepartum Care and Complications of Pregnancy

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of normal obstetrical care and common medical complications seen in pregnancy


OB 3:  Care of Patients in the Postpartum Period

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge of normal postpartum care


OP 1:  Family Planning

  • Verbalizes basic knowledge about common contraceptive options


This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):


  • EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical examination
  • EPA 2: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
  • EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
  • EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
  • EPA 10: Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care


This case incorporates the following Basic Clinical Skills (BCS) checklists: N/A

Office Practice / Outpatient Gynecology

This case incorporates the following Milestones:

OP 2: Ambulatory Gynecology

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge about common ambulatory gynecologic problems

OP 3: Care of the Patient with Non-reproductive Medical Disorders

  • Demonstrates and understanding of common non-reproductive medical disorders


OP 4: Healthcare maintenance and disease prevention

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of a good screening test
  • Demonstrates knowledge of indications and limitations of commonly used screening tests


SB 2: Cost-Effective Care and Patient Advocacy

  • Understands the importance of providing cost-effective care
  • Understands the role of physicians in advocating for appropriate women’s healthcare


PB 1: Self-directed learning/critical appraisal of medical literature

  • Demonstrates an understanding of critical appraisal of the literature
  • Demonstrates responsiveness to constructive feedback

This case incorporates the following Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs):

  • EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical exam
  • EPA 2: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
  • EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests.
  • EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
  • EPA 7: Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care

Perform a surgical time out

Milestones: IC 2, SB 1

EPAs: EPA 13

Learner Task: Perform a surgical time out.
Educator Checklist: Surgical Time Out
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Included =1 Not included =0
Definition and purpose
Describes the purpose of the surgical safety checklist
Identifies the three times that the surgical safety checklist is utilized during a surgical case
Performance of the pre-incision surgical safety checklist
Confirms that all team members have been introduced by name and role
Confirms the patient’s identity, surgical site and procedure
Reviews anticipated critical events (critical steps, operative duration and anticipated blood loss)
Confirms with anesthesia staff any concerns specific to the patient
Confirms with nursing staff: A) sterility of OR, B) equipment availability and C) other concerns
Confirms that appropriate choice of prophylactic antibiotics and time of administration have been given prior to incision or that they are not indicated
Confirms that all essential imaging results for the correct patient are displayed in the room

Describe surgical anatomy for a laparoscopy

Milestones: GY 1c, GY 2

Learner Task: Describe surgical anatomy for a laparoscopy.
Educator Checklist: Abdominal Wall and Pelvic Anatomy
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


Abdominal Wall Correctly identified =1 Not identified =0
Subcutaneous tissue
Anterior rectus fascia
Rectus abdominis muscles
Posterior rectus fascia
Pre-peritoneal fat
Arcuate line
Pelvic Structures Correctly identified =1 Not identified =0
Round ligament
Posterior leaf of the broad ligament
External Iliac artery and vein
Ovarian artery and vein, infundibulo-pelvic ligament, suspensory ligament of the ovary
Fallopian tube with fimbria
Uterine-ovarian ligament
Anterior leaf of broad ligament, bladder flap
Uterine artery
Cardinal ligament
Uterosacral ligament

Demonstrates responsiveness to constructive feedback

Milestones: IC 2

Educator Feedback: Provide the learner with feedback on any elements where he or she can improve.
Learner Task: Demonstrate responsiveness to constructive feedback.
Educator Checklist: Responsiveness to Feedback by Learner
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.


  Demonstrated =1 Not Demonstrated =0
Learner listens carefully to the feedback without interrupting
Uses open body language
Learner asks clarifying questions
Learner follows up with educator where appropriate


Take a complete history from this patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Obtain a complete history from this patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following patient history as asked by the learner:

  • HPI: She is feeling well and experiences positive fetal movement. Her pregnancy was complicated by advanced maternal age, grand multiparity, obesity, and diet controlled gestational diabetes.
  • PMH: HTN (no meds); AMA; obesity (pre-pregnancy height/weight was 64”/207 pounds)
  • PSH: none
  • P Ob Hx: 5 vaginal deliveries; 1 preterm due to hypertension; 1 spontaneous abortion
  • P Gyn Hx: no abnormal Pap tests; last Pap test 2 years ago; no sexually transmitted diseases; no endometriosis/fibroids; monthly menstrual cycles lasting 5 days
  • Medicines: none
  • Allergies: none
  • SH: no tobacco; no alcohol; married
  • FH: non-contributory
  • Review of systems: fatigued; no bleeding since delivery; denies skin changes/hair changes; no depression; no vaginal bleeding; no regular contractions; denies headaches, visual changes, epigastric pain; minimal symmetric lower extremity edema.

Educator Checklist: HPI
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Introduces her/himself appropriately (first name, last name, medical student)
Addresses patient as per patient preference
Clarifies purpose of visit, asks if patient has any other concerns
Washes hands correctly (before touching patient), uses sterile technique throughout visit
Obtains accurate obstetric history: number of deliveries, mode of delivery, gestational ages, any complications
Obtains accurate gynecologic history: menarche/duration/frequency, first coitus, STIs, abnormal Pap tests, gynecologic surgery or problems, sexual orientation, lifetime partners, problems with intercourse
Obtains accurate review of systems for chief complaint: typical pregnancy symptoms, contractions, leaking fluid, bleeding, fetal movement. Also includes the following pertinent review of systems: headache, edema, RUQ or epigastric pain, visual changes
Obtains accurate past medical history
Obtains accurate surgical history
Obtains accurate medication use, asks about over the counter and herbal supplements
Obtains accurate allergy history (ideally about food allergies, too)
Obtains accurate family history
Obtains accurate social history including smoking, alcohol use, drug use


Perform a focused physical examination on a pregnant patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Perform a focused physical exam on this patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following details of focused physical examination as asked by the learner:

  • Vitals: temperature 98.6° F; BP 149/96; HR 86; RR 18; oxygen saturation 97%
  • Height: 64 inches
  • Weight: 207 pounds
  • Skin: warm, dry; no rashes; no lesions.
  • Abdomen: no right upper quadrant tenderness; fundus soft, midline, non-tender; fundal height 31 cm.
  • Extremity exam: 3+ deep tendon reflexes, 1 beat clonus, 1+ pitting edema to mid-calf, symmetric
  • Vagina: no abnormal discharge; cervix 2 cm dilated/50% effaced, soft, mid position; sutures palpable; fetal head at -2 station; no evidence of ruptured membranes
  • Fetal heart tones: 140 bpm baseline; moderate variability; + accelerations; no decelerations; Category I

Educator Checklist: Physical Examination

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Vital signs: obtains vital signs and recognizes elevated blood pressure and elevated body mass index
Abdominal examination: checks for right upper quadrant tenderness, examines fundus and fundal height
Obstetric examination: checks fetal lie, presence of fetal heart tones
Extremity examination: checks for edema
Neurologic examination: checks reflexes, checks for clonus, recognizes abnormalities
Pelvic examination: performs external genital examination during group B beta streptococcus collection, examines cervix

Develop an initial problem list for this patient

Milestones: OB 1


Learner Task: Develop an initial problem list.
Educator Checklist: Patient Problem List
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Advanced maternal age: recognizes age >35 at delivery is advanced maternal age and carries increased risk to pregnancy
Poor prenatal care: recognizes that the patient’s lack of visit since 12-weeks gestation carries increased risk to pregnancy
Hypertension: recognizes current blood pressure is abnormal, and recognizes patient’s history of hypertension as a complication to the pregnancy
Obesity: recognizes the patient’s obesity; recognizes that the obesity increases the risk to the pregnancy
Fundal height less than expected: recognizes discrepancy in dating and fundal height

Order diagnostic tests

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 3, EPA 4

Learner Task: The nurse asks what tests you would like to order for the patient. Order the appropriate diagnostic tests.
Educator Checklist: Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

   Included =1  Not included =0
Urinalysis or urine drip
 Urine protein: creatinine ratio or 24 hour urine protein
 Complete blood count
 Metabolic profile/chemistry
 Liver function tests
 Blood type and antibody screen
 Syphilis screening
 HIV screening
 Hepatitis screening
 Gonorrhea/chlamydia screening
Group B strep screening
Rubella immunity testing
Diabetes screening
Nonstress test or biophysical profile
Ultrasound for fetal growth

Interpret diagnostic tests

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 10

Learner Task: Identify additional problems found in the patient based on the diagnostic test results.
Educator Script: Provide the following diagnostic tests results to the learner (if ordered in the previous task):

Diagnostic Test Result
Urinalysis or urine dip 3+ protein
Urine protein: creatinine ratio or 24-hour urine protein Ratio: 0.6
24-hour urine: 531 mg
Complete blood count WBC=10.4, Hgb=8, HCT=25.1, platelets=101,000
Metabolic profile/chemistry Na=142, Cl=106, K+=3.5, BUN=12, Cr=0.7, glucose=112
Liver function tests AST=102, ALT=96
Blood type and antibody screen A+, negative screen
Syphilis screening negative
HIV screening negative
Hepatitis screening negative
Gonorrhea/chlamydia screening negative
Group B strep screening negative
Rubella immunity testing immune
Diabetes screening (GCT or A1C) GCT=122
Nonstress test or biophysical profile reactive
Ultrasound for fetal growth EFW=2183 g (<10%ile), cephalic, AFI=13 cm

Educator Checklist: Interpret Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not included =0
Anemia: recognizes low Hemoglobin/HCT
Proteinuria: recognizes the protein, creatinine, or 24-hour urine collections are abnormal
Fetal growth restriction: recognizes the growth restriction
Elevated liver function tests: recognizes elevated liver function tests


Develop a diagnosis

EPAs: EPA 10, EPA 2

Learner Task: What is the diagnosis for this patient?
Correct Diagnosis: Pre-eclampsia with severe features

Identify risk factors for pre-eclampsia

Milestones: OB 1

EPAs: EPA 10

Learner Task: Identify risk factors for pre-eclampsia.
Educator Checklist: Risk Factors for Pre-Eclampsia
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Advanced maternal age
Chronic hypertension
History of pre-eclampsia


Develop a management plan for a patient with pre-eclampsia with severe features

Milestones: OB 1

Learner Task: Develop a management plan for a patient with pre-eclampsia with severe features.
Educator Checklist: Management of Pre-Eclampsia with Severe Features
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Admits to hospital
Plans induction, delivery
Plans seizure prophylaxis
Recognizes importance of gestational age

Identify components of postpartum care

Milestones: OB 3, OP 1

Learner Task: The patient ultimately delivers vaginally and returns for postpartum examination. Identify the components of her postpartum care that are important to address at the postpartum visit.
Educator Checklist: Postpartum Care of Patient with Pre-Eclampsia
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Depression screening: asks about signs or symptoms of depression
Contraception: asks about sexual activity and contraception. Appropriately counsels patient about at least four appropriate contraception options, including sterilization and long-acting reversible contraception. Can include side effects, risks, and contraindications for all four.
Liver function tests: assesses for persistent elevated liver function tests
Breastfeeding concerns: asks about breastfeeding
Physical recovery: asks about pain, vaginal bleeding, return of sexual activity
Domestic violence: screens for domestic violence and safety
Future pregnancy: discusses timing of future pregnancy, importance of appropriate spacing of pregnancies
Blood pressure screening: assesses for persistent elevated blood pressures


Develop a differential diagnosis for vaginal discharge in a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: OP 2


Learner Task: Develop a differential diagnosis for vaginal discharge in a reproductive-aged woman.
Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis for Vaginal Discharge
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Normal physiologic discharge
Yeast vaginitis
Bacterial vaginosis
Cervical or uterine malignancy

Obtain a medical history in a reproductive-aged woman


Learner Task: Take a complete history from the patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following patient history as asked by the learner:

  • HPI: She reports three episodes of vulvovaginal itching, with thick white vaginal discharge. She denies any odor to the discharge. Episodes started about two weeks ago. She has tried over the counter products, which help but do not completely eliminate the symptoms. She is not currently sexually active.
  • PMH: None
  • PSH: None
  • POB History: 2 NSVDs, both pregnancies complicated by diet controlled gestational diabetes.
  • Allergies: None
  • Medications: None
  • SH: Non-smoker, divorced. Works in billing at the hospital.
  • FH: diabetes, no malignancies
  • P Ob Hx: Last Pap test three years ago, no abnormal Pap tests. No sexually transmitted infections. History of five lifetime sexual partners, and has been sexually active with men.


Educator Checklist: HPI

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Appearance of discharge
Frequency of episodes
Duration of symptoms
Any new sexual partners
Assessment of risk factors (diabetes, use of antibiotics)
PMH: including vaccinations
P Ob Hx: including prior pregnancies, pregnancy complications, gestational diabetes
P Gyn Hx: including abnormal Pap tests, last menstrual period, use of hormonal contraception
FH: including malignancies
SH: including tobacco, drugs, alcohol, intimate partner violence, abuse

Perform a physical examination of a reproductive-aged woman


Learner Task: Perform a physical examination of a reproductive-aged woman.
Educator Script: Provide the following information as asked by the learner:

  • Vital signs: BMI 37, HR 80, BP 120/60, Temperature 98.4° F

Educator Notes and Diagrams: Breast Examination

  • Learners should:
    • Wash their hands with soap and warm water or alcohol-based antiseptic.
    • Learners should inform the patient that they are performing a breast exam. This is a good time to ask the patient if they have noticed any lumps or other problems with their breasts.
    • Be organized and have the patient properly draped, i.e. cover areas not being examined.
  • Inspection:
    • Asking the patient to lower the gown, learners should visually inspect the breasts from front and sides.
    • Learners should look for size, symmetry (some variation is normal), shape, contour (flattening, masses, and dimpling), skin (color, edema, rashes, thickening, and venous pattern), and scars (previous surgery, injuries).
    • Learners should do the inspection with the patient performing arm maneuvers: overhead (#1), waist (#2), and leaning forward (#3). Learners are looking for any retraction when the patient is leaning forward, or contracting the pectoral muscles.



  • Palpation
    • Lymph nodes
      • Cervical nodes: These nodes are found along the sides of the neck.
      • Axillary nodes: The patient is in a seated position using appropriate draping technique. With patient’s arm at their side and the examiner lifting the arm away from side to access nodes (#4).
      • Supraclavicular nodes: These nodes are found along a line immediately above the clavicle. This is done by learners stepping around behind the patient.


  • Bimanual palpation while patient sitting
    • Learners should perform bimanual palpation with the patient in a seated position, using appropriate draping technique.
    • Learners should use the right hand above/left hand below to palpate the right breast. Learners should use the pads of the fingertips to compress the breast tissue between fingertips. Using this technique, learners can check for consistency, nodules, masses, and tenderness, which might not be felt in supine breast exam. Repeat for left side by standing on patients’ left side and reversing hands (left on top, right on bottom).
    • Complete breasts palpation while patient is supine
      • Learners should pull out the footrest, and ask the patient to put their arm overhead during supine palpation. The arm overhead helps to stretch the breast tissue against the chest wall.
      • Learners should then perform a complete palpation of the breasts. Learners should use the flat part of the fingers (and a rotary motion) against the chest wall using a radial or spiral pattern without missing areas, compressing the breast tissue against the chest wall in all quadrants of the breast (#5). Learners should be noting tissue consistency, elasticity, nodules, indurations, masses, and tenderness.


  • Learners should palpate all of the breast, which continues up the chest wall to the clavicle (collar bone) and towards the axilla (armpit).
  • Learners should inspect and palpate the nipples (#6), looking for size, shape, inversion, rashes, ulceration, discharge, scaling, crusting, elasticity, retraction, areolar edema and masses. Learners should gently grasp and compress the nipple and areolar tissue between thumb and index finger, noting the color consistency and quantity of any discharge (#7).

Educator Checklist: Breast Examination 
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Washed hands or used an antiseptic wash
Used appropriate draping techniques
Performed the exam in an organized fashion
Closed the exam in an appropriate manner
With patient sitting, inspected both breasts from front and sides
Asked patient to put arms overhead
Asked patient to put arms on her waist and press elbows forward
Asked patient to lean forward with arms out in front
With patient sitting, palpated the cervical, supraclavicular and axillary lymph node
With patient sitting, performed bimanual palpation of the breast
In the supine position, asked patient to put arms overhead
Performed complete palpation of the breast with the flat part of the fingers
Performed palpation of the axillary tail
Gently palpated and expressed nipples


Educator Notes and Diagrams: Pelvic Examination

  • Learners should:
    • Select the appropriate sized speculum, warm speculum and test speculum on patient’s leg for comfortable temperature.
    • Inform patient prior to speculum insertion.
    • Insert speculum at 45-degree downward angle, then rotate and open when completely inserted.
    • Visualize the cervix by adjusting the speculum anteriorly or posteriorly.
    • Use the appropriate collection vial with the correct attached swab for each culture
    • For Chlamydia and Gonorrhea cervical collection, insert the swab into the endocervix for approximately 10 seconds (insert only superficially in pregnancy)
    • For vaginal cultures, obtain a specimen from the posterior fornix
    • Insert the swab into the vial, break off the excess swab and cap off the collection vial/tube securely and label the specimen
    • Traditional Slide Cytology Collection
      • Learners should use the spatula clover leaf end to collect ectocervical cells, or spatula end for vaginal cuff cells, and then smear them in a thin layer on the slide.
      • On the same slide, learners should smear endocervical cells collected using a cytobrush. Only insert cytobrush superficially in pregnancy.
      • The learner or assistant should spray the slide with cytology fixative immediately after cytology collection and place it in the appropriate container.
      • The learner or assistant should label the container appropriately.
    • Liquid-Based Cytology Collection
      • Learner should first use the plastic (not wood) spatula to collect ectocervical cells (rotate 360 degrees), then brush-like device (rotate 180 degrees) to collect endocervical cells.
      • Both spatula and brush should be swept around the inside of the liquid-based cytology specimen collection container 10 times to loosen the maximum number of cervical cells into solution.
      • The learner or assistant should label the container appropriately.

Educator Checklist: Cervical Cytology
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Cervical Cytology Collection Included =1 Not Included =0
Selected appropriate sized speculum and warmed it
Inserted the speculum correctly and visualized the cervix
Collected the cervical cells correctly using spatula and cytobrush to the pelvic curve
Used correct technique to collect cells into the vial
Labeled the specimen appropriately
Cervical/Vaginal Culture and Wet Prep Collection
Selected appropriate sized speculum and warmed it
Inserted the speculum correctly and visualized the cervix
Used the appropriate collection vial for the specimen
For a cervical culture, placed the swab in the endocervix for 10 seconds
For a vaginal culture, obtained specimen from the posterior vaginal fornix
Capped off and labeled specimen appropriately
Prepared slide for wet prep correctly
Correctly identified yeast, clue cells, trichomonas, squamous cells and white blood cells, if present
Appropriately discussed findings and treatment with supervising clinician

Identify the active issues for this patient based on physical examination

Milestones: OP 2, OP 3

EPAs: EPA 2, EPA 3

Learner Task: The physical exam demonstrates a normal breast exam, erythema of the vaginal epithelium with thick white curd-like discharge. Otherwise her pelvic examination was normal. A photograph of the wet prep is below. Describe the active issues for this patient.

Photo courtesy of Hope Haefner, MD, University of Michigan
Educator Checklist: Active Issues Found in Physical Examination
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Vaginal discharge
Obesity/history of GDM
Request for mammogram

Develop a treatment plan for active issues in a patient

Milestones: OP 2, OP 3

EPAs: EPA 2, EPA 3, EPA 4

Learner Task: Describe the treatment plan for each active issue in this patient.
Educator Checklist: Treatment Plan
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Vaginal discharge: prescribes correct antifungal therapy
Obesity/history of GDM: orders HgA1c, fasting or 2-hour glucose tolerance test (gtt), counsels about weight loss
Request for mammogram: counsels patient that she does not need screening mammogram at this time


Utilize national screening guidelines and recommendations to advance patient care

Milestones: OP 4, PB 1, SB 2

EPAs: EPA 3, EPA 7

Learner Task: The patient informs you that her insurance will pay for the mammogram, and asks for evidence to support your recommendation. List one resource you would utilize to find mammogram screening recommendations?
Educator Checklist: Mammogram Screening Guidelines
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Learner can cite any of these national screening guidelines (examples include ACOG, US Preventative Task Force Recommendation, NCI)

Identify important principles of a screening test

Milestones: OP 4


Learner Task: List the important principles of a screening test.
Educator Checklist: Principles of a Screening Test
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
The condition should be an important health problem
There should be a recognizable latent or early symptomatic stage
The natural history of the condition, including development from latent to declared disease, should be adequately understood
There should be an accepted treatment for patients with recognized disease
There should be a suitable test or examination that has a high level of accuracy
The test should be acceptable to the population
Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available
The cost of screening (including diagnosis and treatment of patients diagnosed) should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole, and screening should be a continuing process and not a ‘once and for all’ project
There should be an agreed policy on whom to treat as patients

Source:  Principles and Practices of Screening for Disease. World Health Organization.

Advocate for appropriate women’s health care

Milestones: PB 1, SB 2

EPAs: EPA 3, EPA 7

Learner Task: Counsel the patient about why you are not recommending a mammogram at this time.
Educator Checklist: Counsel Patient about Unnecessary Mammogram
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Use patient centered language
Discusses recommended age of mammogram screening onset (40, 45 or 50 acceptable depending on cited guideline)
Discussed low risk of breast cancer for women <40
Discussed low risk due to negative family history
Discusses risks of false positives for women <40
Offers annual clinical breast exam


Develop a differential diagnosis for abdominal pain in a pregnant woman

Milestones: OB 2


Learner Task: Develop a differential diagnosis for abdominal pain in a pregnant woman.
Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis for Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant Woman
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Latent Labor
Placental abruption


Obtain a medical history in a pregnant woman with abdominal pain

Milestones: OB 2


Learner Task: Obtain a medical history in a pregnant woman with abdominal pain.
Educator Script: Provide the following pertinent patient history of a pregnant woman with abdominal pain as asked by the learner:

  • HPI:  Gravida 2, Para 1, 38 weeks plus 3 days by LMP and US dating. Patient is in town for her sister’s wedding and noticed leakage of clear fluid 4 hours ago. Patient complains of non-radiating lower abdominal pain that began 2 hours ago. Pain is intermittent, every 4-5 minutes, each episode lasting for 30 seconds. Nothing makes the pain better or worse. +FM, No VB. Denies nausea, vomiting, pain/burning on urination. Patient is a non-smoker, denies hx of drug abuse or trauma.
  • PMH:  None
  • PSH:  None
  • Meds: Prenatal Vitamins
  • Allergies: Penicillin>anaphylaxis
  • P Ob Hx: NSVD-female infant weighing 6 pounds, 12 oz. She was in labor for 36 hours and pushed for 3 hours. Baby spent one week in NICU for GBS infection.
  • Prenatal Labs: O+, antibody negative, RPR-NR, Rubella Immune, Hep B Surface antigen negative, HIV negative, GC negative, Hemoglobin electrophoresis AA, CF screen negative, Pap test negative for malignancy, 50 gm Oral Glucose Challenge Test 115, GBS+.
  • First and second trimester ultrasound: Unremarkable, c/w LMP.
  • P Gyn Hx: Menarche at age 13, menstrual cycles q28-30 days lasting 4-6 days, denies dysmenorrhea or dyspareunia, coitarche at age 17, 5 lifetime male partners, denies history of sexually transmitted infections or abnormal Pap test.

Educator Checklist: HPI
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Onset of pain
Frequency of contractions
Vaginal bleeding
Leading fluid, to include clear/meconium staining
Fetal movement
GI symptoms: nausea, vomiting, bowel movements
Urinary complaints: dysuria, hematuria, urgency, frequency
Social: trauma, cocaine

Educator Checklist: History Taking
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
P Ob Hx
Prenatal Labs
P Gyn Hx

Perform a focused physical examination on a pregnant woman with abdominal pain

Milestones: OB 4

EPAs: EPA 1, EPA 12

Learner Task: Perform a focused physical examination on a pregnant woman with abdominal pain.
Educator Script: Provide the following details of focused physical examination as asked by the learner:

  • Vital Signs: BP 124/84, P 101, Resp 22, afebrile, EFW 3200 grams
  • General: awake, alert and oriented x3 in moderate distress with contractions
  • Heart: Nl S1 S2, RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops
  • Lungs: bilaterally CTA, no wheezes, rales, or rhonchi
  • Abdomen: +BS, gravid, fundal height 36, non-tender to palpation, no guarding, no rebound
  • Speculum: no blood, +pooling, +nitrazine
  • Pelvic: vulva/vagina: normal external genitalia
  • Cervix: 4/50/0/vertex, wet mount performed
  • Extremities: no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema
  • Microscopic examination of vaginal fluid shows:

Educator Checklist: Physical Examination
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Abdominal exam: fundal height and tenderness between UCs
Leopold/fetal lie
Performs speculum exam and collects specimen
Performs intrapartum examination
Identifies positive nitrazine and ferning

Educator Checklist: Intrapartum Examination
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Describes the benefits, risks and indications for cervical assessment
Describes the technique of properly assessing dilation, effacement and station
Explains procedure to patient
Puts on gloves in a sterile fashion
Uses lubricant on two fingers that will be used to perform vaginal examination
Uses non-dominant hand to separate labia
Uses two fingers of the dominant hand to assess the cervix
Assesses presenting part
Accurately assesses cervical dilation
Accurately assesses cervical effacement
Demonstrates appropriate sterile technique throughout examination

Interpret a fetal heart tracing

Milestones: OB 2

Learner Task: The attending is finishing a procedure in another room and asks if there is anything concerning about the fetal heart rate tracing pictured below. Report the fetal heart rate findings and discuss fetal heart rate features which could be concerning.
Fetal Monitoring Strip

Educator Checklist: Fetal Heart Rate Tracing
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Identifies baseline heart
Identifies accelerations
Identifies contractions
Discusses types of decelerations and FHR tracing without accelerations

Develop an appropriate treatment plan and write orders

EPAs: EPA 10, EPA 12, EPA 4

Learner Task: The nurse asks for the plan and orders for Ms. Mary Smith. Develop an appropriate treatment plan and write orders.
Educator Checklist: Treatment Plan/Order
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Admits to L&D
Diagnosis: active labor
Condition: stable
Vitals: routine
Allergies: penicillin
Activity: as per hospital protocol
Nursing: routine
Diet: NP
Start IV
Blood type and Rh screen
Recognizes need for IV antibiotics
Pain management


Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others

Milestones: PR 1

Learner Task: Two hours later, the patient is asking questions as to how long her labor will be and what she should expect this time. She appears anxious and is concerned regarding prior GBS-affected baby. Address the patient’s concerns/issues.
Educator Checklist: Professionalism
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Acknowledges patient’s anxiety
Addresses patient’s concerns
Asks about additional questions or concerns

Systematically analyze practice using quality improvement methods and implement changes with the goal of practice improvement

Milestones: PB 2

Learner Task: The cross-covering nurse has the IV bag labeled with penicillin for Jane Smith. She asks is it okay to administer the antibiotic to your patient Jane Smith for her GBS+ status. Address this nursing concern.
Educator Checklist: Patient Safety
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Recognizes allergy could affect antibiotic choice
Seeks out the information he/she is lacking from acceptable sources
Identifies wrong patient for medication


Identify normal/abnormal labor progress, stages of labor and cardinal movements of labor

Milestones: OB 2

Learner Task: Discuss the patient’s labor progress, stages of labor and the cardinal movements of labor, and any future labor management actions with the attending.
Educator Checklist: Labor
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Describes stages of labor
Identifies normal and abnormal labor progress
Describes the cardinal movements of labor
Student re-examines patient

Demonstrate appropriate management of labor

Milestones: OB 4, OB 5

EPAs: EPA 10, EPA 12

Learner Task: Two hours after admission, the patient is found to be 7 cm dilated and requests an epidural. The patient receives an epidural. Two hours later the nurse calls you because your patient is complaining about pressure. Patient is FD/100% effaced/+1 station. Discuss future management of labor.
Educator Checklist: Delivery
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Describes the three stages of labor
Describes the cardinal movements of labor
Describes the steps of a normal vaginal delivery
Assesses initial fetal station
Assesses initial fetal position
Protects perineum
Delivers the fetal head
Watches for restitution
Assesses for nuchal cord
Delivery of the anterior shoulder
Delivery of the posterior shoulder
Delivery of the torso and legs
Clamps and cuts umbilical cord
Initiates warming and drying of depressed infant
Delivers the placenta
Checks placenta
Examines cervix and perineum for lacerations
Massages fundus appropriately (before or after placenta)
Delivery type (NSVD)
Infant weight
Apgars at 1 and 5 minutes
Delivery position
Presence or absence of nuchal cord
Description of amniotic fluid (presence or absence of meconium)
Delivery of placenta
Description of placenta and cord
Description of lacerations (presence or absence)
Estimated blood loss


Educator Checklist: Neonatal Warming and Drying of Non-Depressed Infant
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Dries infant
Places baby skin-to-skin with mother


Develop a differential diagnosis for abnormal uterine bleeding in a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: GY 4


Learner Task: Develop a differential diagnosis for abnormal uterine bleeding in a reproductive-aged woman.
Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in a Reproductive-Aged Woman
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Endometrial hyperplasia
Uterine malignancy
Endometrial atrophy
Ovulatory dysfunction


Describe the phases of the menstrual cycle

Milestones: GY 4

Learner Task: Describe the phases of the menstrual cycle.
Educator Checklist: Normal Menstrual Cycle
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Follicular Phase
LH Surge
Luteal Phase


Obtain a medical history in a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: GY 4


Learner Task: Take a complete history from this patient.
Educator Script: Provide the following pertinent patient history of a reproductive-aged woman with abnormal uterine bleeding as asked by the learner:

  • HPI: A 40-year-old G4P3 woman presents to your office complaining of heavy menstrual periods over past 3-6 months, and now this last period has lasted for three weeks. She denies cramps and pelvic pain. She is unsure if she has of fibroids; she has not been told she has them.
  • PMH:  None
  • PSH:  D&C 15 years ago
  • Meds: None
  • Allergies: No known drug allergies
  • P OB Hx: 3 term NSVD’s, uncomplicated, 7-8 pounds each; no miscarriages; one abortion at 10 weeks via D&C; no history of post-partum hemorrhage
  • P GYN Hx: 12/28/3-5 days, still regular cycles, but periods now lasts 7-10 days; age at first intercourse =17; number of lifetime partners=3, all men; current partner=1 for past 12 years; no history of abnormal Pap tests, last pap was >5 years ago; no history of STI’s; no difficulties with intercourse; not using any contraception
  • Social Hx: Denies tobacco, ETOH, IVDA
  • Review of Systems: She complains of weight gain of 5-8 pounds in past three months, feels more tired than usual, denies nausea, vomiting, constipation, weight loss, change in appetite, no personal history of bleeding disorders, denies breast discharge or tenderness, no headaches, no change in vision, no dry skin, no hair growth in abnormal places, no shortness of breath, no dizziness, no chest pain, no bleeding gums, no nose bleeds, no easy bruising

Educator Checklist: History Taking

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Introduces her/himself appropriately (first name, last name, medical student)
Addresses patient as per patient preference
Clarifies purpose of visit
Asks patient if she has concerns other than purpose of visit
Washes hands correctly (before touching patient)
Correctly inquires about five or more gynecologic history and sexual history elements: menarche, duration, frequency, first coitus, STIs, abnormal Pap, LMP, sexual orientation, lifetime partners, problems with intercourse, contraception
Correctly inquires about 3-6 obstetrics history elements: # of pregnancies, # of livebirths, term or preterm, mode of delivery of each, weight of each livebirth, any miscarriages or abortions, more of TOP
Obtains accurate OPQST of chief complaint. Inquires about three or more elements: 3-6 months heavy periods, three weeks of continuous vb, has not taken any medications, nothing makes it better or worse, heavy clots, changes pad every two hours, has to wear tampons and pads, never happened before
Obtains accurate ROS questions. Asks at least one question for each potential diagnosis (=7)
Obtains accurate medical history
Obtains accurate surgical history
Obtains accurate medication use, asks about over the counter and herbal supplements
Obtains accurate allergy history
Obtains accurate family history containing at least three of the following elements: gyn ca, breast ca, colon ca, thyroid dysfunction, coagulopathy
Obtains accurate social history including at least three of the following elements: smoking, alcohol use, drug use, support system, screen for domestic violence, pets


Perform a focused physical examination on a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: GY 4


Learner Task: Perform a focused physical examination on a reproductive-aged woman.
Educator Script: Provide the following details of focused physical examination as asked by the learner:

  • Vital Signs: 37.5°C, BP 122/68 mm Hg, BMI 33 kg/m2
  • HEENT: Examination shows pale mucous membranes. She has no exophthalmos and her thyroid is symmetric, slightly enlarged, non-tender.
  • Pelvic examination: No vulvar, vaginal or cervical lesions. You palpate an enlarged, midline pelvic mass, approximately 16 weeks in size. It is non-tender with irregular contour. You do not think there are any adnexal masses, but are unsure. There are no hemorrhoids present. 

Educator Checklist: Physical Examination

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Other Included =1 Not Included =0
Asks for at least 2 vital signs
Performs at least two components: mucous membranes and exopthalmos, palpates thyroid
General Approach and Communication Skills
Properly introduces himself or herself to the patient
Asks patient how she would like to be addressed
Clarifies purpose of visit
Washes hands or uses an antiseptic wash
Uses appropriate draping techniques for patient privacy
Maintains sterile technique
Performs the exam in a systematic fashion
Prefaces exam maneuvers with simple explanations
Establishes and maintains rapport with the patient
Makes the patient feel comfortable
Closes the exam in an appropriate manner
Gives explanations in clear language, avoids jargon
Invites questions/ checks for understanding
External Examination
Checks all equipment/supplies
Adjusts exam light prior to gloving and washing hands
Positions patient on back, hips to end of table and heels on foot rests
Examines external genitalia
Inspects mons pubis
Inspects labia majora
Inspects labia minora
Inspects clitoris without touching clitoris
Inspects urethral meatus
Inspects introitus
Inspects Bartholin’s gland
Inspects perineum
Inspects anus
Speculum Examination
Holds speculum at 45-degree angle
Inserts speculum properly
Rotates speculum at full insertion
Opens speculum slowly
Identifies cervix
Secures speculum in open position
Handles speculum appropriately
Removes speculum appropriately
Bimanual Pelvic Examination
Introduces correct two fingers into vagina with thumbs tucked
Palpates cervix and cervical os
Palpates uterine body, apex of fundus
Notes uterine size
Describes position of uterus
Palpates right adnexa/ovary
Palpates left adnexa/ovary
Instructs patient to return to sitting position at the conclusion of exam
Rectovaginal Examination*
Re-gloves for RV
Asks patient to bear down as finger is inserted
Inserts middle finger into rectum
Inserts index finger into vagina
Palpates uterus
Palpates right adnexa/ovary
Palpates left adnexa/ovary

*Often not performed – student only asked about technique.

Develop a differential diagnosis for pelvic mass in a reproductive-aged woman

Milestones: GY 5


Learner Task: Develop a differential diagnosis for pelvic mass in a reproductive-aged woman.
Educator Checklist: Differential Diagnosis of Patient Presenting with Pelvic Mass

Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Intrauterine pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Benign ovarian mass
Malignant ovarian mass
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Uterine malignancy


Order diagnostic tests in a reproductive-aged woman with pelvic mass


Learner Task: Order the appropriate diagnostic tests for this patient.
Educator Checklist: Ordering Diagnostic Tests
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Pregnancy test/Beta-hCG
Pelvic ultrasound
Pap test
Endometrial biopsy


Interpret diagnostic tests in a reproductive-aged woman with pelvic mass


Learner Task: Interpret the diagnostic test results below. What additional problems have you identified with the patient based on these labs?

  • Pap test is negative for malignancy and HPV negative
  • Pelvic ultrasound reveals a fibroid uterus with multiple intramural and subserosal fibroids, largest 5x4cm, with an endometrial stripe of 10 mm and normal adnexa
  • Hemoglobin: 9.2 g/dL
  • Platelets: 223,000/uL
  • Serum Beta-hCG: <5 mIU/mL (<5mIU/mL)
  • Serum TSH: 4 mIU/mL (0.4-5 mIU/L)
  • PT: 12 sec (11-14 nl range)
  • PTT: 30 sec (25-35 nl range)
  • INR: 1.0 (0.8-1.2 nl range)
  • Endometrial Biopsy: proliferative endometrium, no hyperplasia

Educator Checklist: Problem List
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Anemia: recognizes low Hgb
Fibroids on ultrasound could be cause of the abnormal bleeding
Recognizes fibroids


Perform an evidence-based medicine search on treatment options for abnormal uterine bleeding


Learner Task: Perform a quick literature search on the effectiveness of treating abnormal uterine bleeding with a levonorgestrel intrauterine device.
Educator Checklist: Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Provides evidence for levonorgestrel IUD in abnormal uterine bleeding


Understand the importance of informed consent

Milestones: IC 3

EPAs: EPA 11

Learner Task: You decide with the patient to treat her abnormal uterine bleeding with a levonorgestrel intrauterine device. Consent the patient for an IUD placement.
Educator Checklist: IUD Informed Consent
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Clearly states the procedure for which consent is requested
Correctly discusses the indication for the procedure
Correctly states the benefits of the procedure
Reviews the potential risks of the procedure
Offers alternatives for the procedure, including no intervention
Discusses post-procedure expectations
Clearly introduces self, including role on team
Establishes rapport with patient
Uses accessible language and explains medical terminology where appropriate
Invites patient questions
Avoids responses implying judgment
Avoids false reassurances
Listens without interrupting
Verifies patient understanding


Document a clinical encounter in the patient record


Learner Task: Write a procedure note for the IUD insertion.
Educator Reference: See sample procedure note and follow up below:

  • Procedure Note: Patient desires long-term, reversible contraception. Informed consent was obtained. Timeout procedure was performed to ensure correct patient and correct IUD. A bimanual exam was performed to determine the position of the uterus. The speculum was placed. The vagina and cervix was sterilized in the usual manner and sterile technique was maintained throughout the course of the procedure. A single toothed tenaculum was applied to the anterior lip of the cervix and gentle traction applied to straighten and stabilize it. The depth of the uterus was sounded to be of appropriate depth (usually 6.5 to 8.5 cm). With gentle traction on the tenaculum, the IUD was inserted to the appropriate depth and deposited by withdrawing on the insertion tube holding the rod steady. The string was cut to an estimated 4 cm length. Bleeding was minimal. Hemostasis achieved. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications.
  • Follow-up: Standard post-procedure care was explained and return instructions were given.

Educator Checklist: IUD Procedure Note
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Explains the purpose of procedure
Informed consent
Timeout and patient verification
Physical examination: writes about at least two of the following: uterine size, position and depth of sound
Identifies at least two of the following tools utilized: speculum, tenaculum, sound
How IUD inserted, string cut
Follow-up (precautions, return appointment)

Communicate effectively with patient and family

Milestones: IC 1

Learner Task: Three weeks later the patient presents to the emergency department with acute vaginal bleeding. Your colleague tells you the following patient history, physical exam findings and laboratory results when you arrive in the emergency department:

  • The patient presented to the ER one hour prior. This patient is known to the Gyn service. She has documented uterine fibroids on US and had a Levonorgesterel IUD placed three weeks ago. She reports soaking through 2-3 large pads per hour for the past five hours. She reports dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue. She last ate four hours prior. She denies nausea and vomiting. She denies pain. She has not had intercourse since the IUD insertion. She denies trauma. She denies fever.
  • Physical exam: 110/60, 83bpm, 18, 36C
  • Gen: pale, comfortable. Tired appearing
  • HEENT: dry mucous membranes
  • Heart: regular, mild tachycardia
  • Lungs: CTA bilaterally
  • Abdomen: palpable mass to 2 cm below umbilicus.  Midline, mobile, nontender. No rebound or guarding.
  • Groin: negative
  • Pelvic: normal vulva, vagina and cervix. Clot in vagina. Active bleeding viewed from cervical os.
  • Bimanual exam: no CMT; uterus enlarged to 16-week size with irregular contour
  • Lab: Hg 6.2, PT/PTT/INR normal, Beta-hCG is negative, type and screen drawn, chem-7 normal

You call your attending and present this patient. You and the attending decide to send the patient to the floor for stabilization, with plan for hysterectomy once this is achieved. Communicate to the patient and her family the plan to send the patient to the floor for stabilization, and then hysterectomy once stabilization achieved.

Educator Checklist: Interpersonal and Communication Skills and Professionalism
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Communication: Gathering Information Included =1 Not Included =0
Greets patient appropriately, name, role (My name is ______ and I am the third-year medical student on your treatment team)
Sits down
Assumes a comfortable interpersonal distance
Makes eye contact
Is easily understood, speaks clearly and slowly
Asks clearly worded and understandable questions, one question at a time
Asks what the patient already knows about a hysterectomy or what their understanding of the situation is
Explores the patient perspective by asking: How are you doing with this? How does this make you feel? How is this impacting your life?
Is well-prepared for the encounter, obtains information in a logical, systematic, orderly progression
Avoids the use of medical jargon
Listens attentively, follows patient needs and prompts, does not interrupt
Asks if the patient or family have questions
Appears empathic, emotionally supportive to patient, statements of empathy, validates patient concerns, emotions, uses body language
Communication: Providing Information  Included =1 Not Included =0
Summarizes information for patient (reviews anemia, uterine size, failure of IUD, explains medical condition: fibroids)
Provides information about the rationale for recommending hysterectomy
Provides information on next steps (labs, consent, etc.)
Provides information on the logistics of hysterectomy (2-3 hour surgery, 2-3 day hospital stay, here is how it is performed, risks, benefits, alternatives)
Asks for questions, clarifies patient understanding
Revisits patient agenda (Have we covered everything you wanted to discuss or answered all your questions?)

Perform a surgical time out

EPAs: EPA 13

Learner Task: Consent is obtained from the patient for surgery. Day of surgery has arrived and you are in the operating room with the patient. She has not yet received anesthesia. Perform a surgical time out according to the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist.
Educator Checklist: WHO Surgical Safety
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Confirms that all team members have been introduced by name and role
Confirms the patient’s identity, surgical site and procedure
Reviews anticipated critical events (critical steps, operative duration and anticipated blood loss)
Confirms with anesthesia staff any concerns specific to the patient
Confirms with nursing staff: A) sterility of OR, B) equipment availability and C) other concerns
Confirms that appropriate choice of prophylactic antibiotics and time of administration have been given prior to incision or that they are not indicated
Confirms that all essential imaging results for the correct patient are displayed in the room

Demonstrate proper patient positioning for surgery in the low lithotomy position with the arms tucked

Milestones: GY 1a

Learner Task: Demonstrate proper patient positioning for surgery in the low lithotomy position with the arms tucked.
Educator Checklist: Surgical Positioning
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Body Included =1 Not Included =0
Positions buttocks at edge of bed, no sacral pressure
Makes sure patient centered on bed
Arms Included =1 Not Included =0
Makes sure arms are tucked
Positions arms so they are pronated, thumbs up or thumbs in
Checks that there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of elbow
Checks that there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of wrist
Checks that arms are padded
Checks that fingers are safe
Legs Included =1 Not Included =0
Makes sure that lithotomy leg rest clips at level of the greater trochanter or anterior superior iliac spine
Positions heels snug in the boot, weight of patient’s leg on the heel, heel at back of boot
Makes sure that ankle, knee, hip, umbilicus, opposite shoulder all in alignment
Makes sure there is no pressure on posterior calf
Makes sure there is no pressure on lateral aspect of leg
Makes sure there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of hips
Makes sure there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of knees
Is sure to limit abduction and external rotation

Perform a surgical scrub, gown and glove using sterile precautions and aseptic technique

Milestones: GY 1a

EPAs: EPA 13

Learner Task: You will be assisting the surgeon during this case. Perform a surgical scrub, gown and glove using sterile precautions and aseptic technique.
Educator Checklist: Scrubbing/Gowning/Gloving
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Included =1 Not Included =0
Removes jewelry
Correctly places the surgical cap, mask and eye protection
Correctly opens the packet of surgical scrub soap
Turns on the water correctly
Correctly cleans beneath fingernails
If using surgical scrub brush, scrubs hands and forearms correctly
Keeps hands and forearms elevated and avoid contamination while entering door to OR
Accepts the drying towel properly, without contaminating it against his or her body
Dries hands properly, using a separate sterile area of the towel for each hand
Properly disposes of the used towel
Receives and dons the surgical gown properly
Receives and dons gloves without contaminating gown or gloves
Turns properly to close off the back of the gown

Identify elements of pelvic anatomy

Milestones: GY 1a

Learner Task: You are now operating and viewing the patient’s pelvic anatomy. Identify elements of pelvic anatomy.*
*Educator Note: An abdominal hysterectomy module (found on ACOG website>CREOG section>Surgical Curriculum in Obstetrics and Gynecology>Abdominal Hysterectomy) may be used for this portion of the module.
Educator Checklist: Abdominal Wall and Pelvic Anatomy
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Abdominal Wall Included =1 Not Included =0
Subcutaneous tissue
Anterior rectus fascia
Rectus abdominis muscles
Posterior rectus fascia
Pre-peritoneal fat
Arcuate line
Pelvic Structures Included =1 Not Included =0
Round ligament
Posterior leaf of the broad ligament
External iliac artery and vein
Ovarian artery and vein, infundibulo-pelvic ligament, suspensory ligament of the ovary, IP ligament
Fallopian tube with fimbria
Uterine-ovarian ligament
Anterior leaf of broad ligament, bladder flap
Uterine artery
Cardinal ligament
Uterosacral ligament