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Demonstrate proper patient positioning for surgery in the low lithotomy position with the arms tucked

Learner Task: Demonstrate proper patient positioning for surgery in the low lithotomy position with the arms tucked.
Educator Checklist: Surgical Positioning
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

Body Included =1 Not Included =0
Positions buttocks at edge of bed, no sacral pressure
Makes sure patient centered on bed
Arms Included =1 Not Included =0
Makes sure arms are tucked
Positions arms so they are pronated, thumbs up or thumbs in
Checks that there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of elbow
Checks that there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of wrist
Checks that arms are padded
Checks that fingers are safe
Legs Included =1 Not Included =0
Makes sure that lithotomy leg rest clips at level of the greater trochanter or anterior superior iliac spine
Positions heels snug in the boot, weight of patient’s leg on the heel, heel at back of boot
Makes sure that ankle, knee, hip, umbilicus, opposite shoulder all in alignment
Makes sure there is no pressure on posterior calf
Makes sure there is no pressure on lateral aspect of leg
Makes sure there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of hips
Makes sure there is no hyperflexion or hyperextension of knees
Is sure to limit abduction and external rotation