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Demonstrate proper patient positioning of laparoscopy

Leaner Task: You are now in the operating room. You plan to do a laparoscopy. The patient has been given general endotracheal anesthesia. Demonstrate proper patient positioning of laparoscopy.
Educator Checklist: Patient Positioning for Laparoscopy
Mark the appropriate column to indicate whether the learner included each element in his or her response. When completed, tally the “Included” column to calculate the learner’s score.

General Included =1 Not included =0
Describes the most common positions for patients in routine gynecologic procedures.
Describes the goal of patient positioning for surgery
Describes the risks if surgical positioning is done incorrectly
Describes the appropriate steps in patient positioning in surgery
Lateral aspect of knee Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (common peroneal)
Consequence of injury (decreased sensation on lateral lower leg, dorsal foot, foot drop)
Correct position to avoid injury (knee toward opposite shoulder, no pressure on lateral aspect)
Elbow Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (ulnar)
Consequence of injury (decreased sensation and weakness in 4th and 5th digits)
Correct position to avoid injury (elbow padded, arm pronated, avoid hyperextension)
Hip Included =1 Not included =0
Nerve at risk (femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous)
Consequence of injury (sensory deficit of thigh, weakness of hip flexion, knee extension)
Correct position to avoid injury (no hyperflexion of hip, limit abduction and external rotation)
Body Included =1 Not included =0
Buttocks at edge of bed, no sacral pressure
Patient centered on bed
Accurately assesses cervical effacement
Arms Included =1 Not included =0
Arms tucked
Arms pronated, thumbs up or thumbs in
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of elbow
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of wrist
Arms padded
Fingers safe
Legs Included =1 Not included =0
Lithotomy stirrup clips at level of the greater trochanter or ASIS
Heels snug in the boot, weight of patient on the heel, heel at back of boot
Ankle, knee, hip, umbilicus, opposite shoulder all in alignment
No pressure on posterior calf
No pressure on lateral aspect of leg
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of hips
No hyperflexion or hyperextension of knees
Limit abduction and external rotation