Office Practice / Outpatient Gynecology
- Demonstrates basic knowledge about common ambulatory gynecologic problems
- Demonstrates and understanding of common non-reproductive medical disorders
- Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of a good screening test
- Demonstrates knowledge of indications and limitations of commonly used screening tests
- Understands the importance of providing cost-effective care
- Understands the role of physicians in advocating for appropriate women’s healthcare
- Demonstrates an understanding of critical appraisal of the literature
- Demonstrates responsiveness to constructive feedback
- EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical exam
- EPA 2: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
- EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests.
- EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
- EPA 7: Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
Basic Clinical Skills:
- Breast Examination
- Pelvic Examination
- Cervical Cytology
Case: Monica Jones is a 29-year-old woman who presents to the gynecology clinic for a health maintenance examination. Your medical assistant reports that the patient would like to discuss her vaginal discharge. In addition, she is interested in a referral for a baseline screening mammogram because a colleague at work was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Develop a differential diagnosis for vaginal discharge in a reproductive-aged woman
- Obtain a medical history in a reproductive-aged woman
- Perform a physical examination of a reproductive-aged woman
- Identify the active issues for this patient based on physical examination
- Develop a treatment plan for active issues in a patient
- Utilize national screening guidelines and recommendations to advance patient care
- Identify important principles of a screening test
- Advocate for appropriate women’s health care