The AAMC’s MERC program is intended to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the purposes and processes of medical education research, to become informed consumers of the medical education research literature, and to be effective collaborators in medical education research. The program is open to all who are interested in improving their educational research skills and is targeted for those with a background in medical education but relatively less experience in conducting educational research.
APGO is pleased to announce that one of the Capstone Programs will be renamed for former APGO President, Susan M. Cox, MD, as the APGO Susan M. Cox, MD Clerkship Directors’ School. Doctor Cox and her husband, Doug Morris, have established an endowment for the program to ensure the continuation of high quality presentations, scholastic excellence and support for clerkship directors in the field.
The APGO Susan M. Cox, MD Clerkship Directors’ School 101 & 201 will take place prior to the Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar on January 11, 2020, in Bonita Springs, FL. The APGO Susan M. Cox, MD Clerkship Directors’ School 301 will be held before the CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting on February 26, 2020, in Orlando, FL.
Please join APGO in thanking Susan M. Cox, MD, and Doug Morris for their generous contribution and dedication to women’s health!
Register now for the 2020 APGO Susan M. Cox, MD, Clerkship Directors’ School 101 & 201!
Along with representatives from CREOG, SASGOG, CUCOG, ACOG, ABOG, SMFM, ASRM, SGO, AGOS, and a host of other organizations, Nadine Katz, MD, APGO President-Elect, attended the Annual Academic Leadership Meeting hosted by the Fellowship in Family Planning and the Society of Family Planning in Chicago on September 12, 2019.
Doctor Katz shared the content of the APGO Medical Student Educational Objectives, 10th Edition on Family Planning and Pregnancy Termination, including the intended learning outcomes, methods of assessment, competency, and related resources so that medical students learn the risks and benefits for an individual patient and are knowledgeable about the public health impact.
With support from the APGO Board, earlier this year APGO joined other women’s health professional organizations in a Clinical Opinion published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG) on the importance of access to comprehensive reproductive health care with the following statement:
The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) promotes excellence in women’s health care by providing optimal resources and support to educators who inspire, instruct, develop, and empower women’s health care providers to improve the quality of life for all women. APGO supports comprehensive reproductive health access, including abortion, for all women and believes all medical students should be educated in the full array of reproductive options to effectively care for and counsel patients, as stated in the 10th Edition of our Medical Student Education Objectives.
By Margaret McKenzie, MD, MS, Celeste Royce, MD
2018-2020 Undergraduate Medical Education Committee
David Banh, MD, presented the breakout session Mind Over Bricks: Finding Your Team’s Inner Sunshine with LEGO® Elements at the 2019 Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar. Find out how Doctor Banh uses LEGOS® for team-building exercises and more in this month’s UMEC Spotlight on Faculty Development interview.
Read the full interview at the APGO Apple Tree Blog.
Doctor Banh will be presenting again at the 2020 Faculty Development Seminar, with the breakout session SERIOUS PLAY® Intermediate Level: Collaborative Play Using LEGO Elements® to Build a Dynamic Team. Visit the APGO website to learn more about this year’s program and register for the meeting.
APGO is pleased to announce the launch of a new mobile app!
The Induction of Labor app was developed by APGO to help ob-gyn learners as they consider if and when to induce labor in their patients, how to properly employ a labor progress tracking tool and how to evaluate if an induction method is working. It was developed by APGO faculty and was funded in part by an unrestricted educational grant from Ferring Pharmaceuticals
The app is available for free download on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Learn more about the app on the APGO website and download it today!
Objective #56: Sexuality and Modes of Sexual Expression
APGO has added two new videos to the Medical Student Educational Objectives library: Counseling Patients about Sexuality and Assessment and Treatment for Female Sexual Dysfunction. These videos are designed to help teach how to start, continue and follow up on conversations about sexual health and sexual health history. The project, developed by APGO faculty, was supported in part by an unrestricted educational grant by APGO Corporate Liaison Council member, AMAG Pharmaceuticals.
Click here to view the videos.
Looking for an academic position? Visit APGO’s online Academic Positions Report for open academic ob-gyn positions from around the country.
Please note: academic posting is a benefit of Department Membership.