Objective: Visiting sub-internships (subIs) have allowed medical students short-term clinical opportunities, exposure to residency programs, and opportunities to demonstrate their strengths at institutions beyond their own. For residency programs, such rotations offer prolonged interaction with students and assessment of their skills with many programs using positive experiences with students for recruitment. During the pandemic, away rotations were discouraged. In response, some OBGYN medical education programs created virtual subI experiences.
The objectives of this workshop are to:
1. Describe at least 2 examples of virtual “visiting” OBGYN subI programs
2. Discuss 2 benefits of virtual “visiting” subIs for medical students and residency programs
3. Brainstorm how to incorporate “visiting” subIs into OBGYN departments nationally
Methods: This highly interactive workshop will begin with participants in small groups discussing pre-pandemic visiting rotations at their institutions (15 min). Specific attention will be paid to benefits/drawbacks of hosting “away” rotations for the students, residency programs, and institutions. Each group will report out, generating a more robust list of the assets and opportunities of away rotations (10 min); in the larger group, participants will use interactive polling to prioritize essential components of visiting rotations (5 min).
Results: The speakers will then share their experiences with virtual subI programs at their respective institutions (10 min). Again in small groups, participants will develop blueprints for virtual subIs, incorporating the essential components and optimizing the benefits of such programs (20 min).
Conclusion/ Discussion: The session will conclude with groups sharing their blueprints for virtual programs, hopefully creating models that they can adapt at their own programs and institutions (15 min).
Topics: Faculty Development Seminar, 2022, Clerkship Director, Clerkship Coordinator, Residency Director, Residency Coordinator, GME, UME,