Purpose: To develop an innovative anti-racist faculty development toolkit to improve faculty knowledge and skills in anti-racism and its application as educators in OB/GYN.
Background: Disparities in OB/GYN outcomes have been well-documented but persist despite advancements in care. These disparities are recognized as multifactorial public health crises rooted in personalized and structural racism. A solution is to educate physicians in antiracism to improve cultural humility and structural competence. While medical schools and training programs are incorporating this into curricula, faculty development resources on antiracism are lacking.
Methods: A multi-institutional team of leaders in diversity, equity, and inclusion selected topics to focus the curriculum based on needs identified. Best practices were reviewed to determine content delivery format, curriculum structure, and assessment via an iterative process.
Results: A web-based self-guided curriculum was developed by curating anti-racism resources to develop knowledge and self-awareness. This material is arranged in order of competence, from beginner to expert/leader, and is in multiple formats and media. A webinar series was created focusing on antiracism in medical education. Topics include microaggressions, racism/bias in medical education, trauma-informed education, and implementing an antiracism curriculum at your institution.
Discussions: Next steps are rollout of the APGO website and assessment of impact. Metrics assessed include accessibility, member surveys regarding content and implementation, and assessment of faculty skills and beliefs on antiracism pre- and post-interventions. This curriculum provides faculty with a foundation in antiracism that meets the needs of our learners and our patients.
Topics: CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting, 2023, Faculty, Professionalism, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, CME, Independent Study, General Ob-Gyn,
Melody Baldwin, MD, MPH; Duke University Medical Center; Beverly Gray, MD; Camille Clare, MD, MPH, CPE, FACOG; Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, MD, MPH, MS; , ; Sarahn Wheeler, M.D.