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Building a Residency Application: A Strengths-Based Strategy
Objective: We sought to provide a structured opportunity for students to explore their educational journey through a strengths-based reflective approach. This framework will help faculty mentors guide students through creating their residency application materials while also creating ample opportunities to discuss important factors of an applicant\'s academic portfolio.
Workshop Agenda: • (5 minutes) Introduction to strengths-based approach to the residency application process.
• (5 min) Overview of session
• (15 min) Phase 1: Reflection - Participants will provide feedback on example student work and discuss moving a mock mentee through the reflection process.
Interactive Component: Participants will interact in small groups with mock mentee products such as CVs, Personal Statements, and reflective essays.
Take Home Product: A Strengths-Based Strategy toolkit will be provided which includes a resource list, handouts and prompts for each phase of the framework, and a Mentor and Mentee Guide.
Related APGO Publications/Modules: Effective Student Advising Series
Faculty Development Seminar, 2021, Student, Faculty, Clerkship Director, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Director, UME,