Background: Social media and podcasts have become increasingly popular and impactful among learners in medicine through the free open access medical education movement. The aim of our workshop is to share our experience with creating a highly successful educational podcast and promoting it on social media, and to allow others to do the same.
Workshop Agenda: Prior to the workshop, learners will be informed to bring headphones and laptops with necessary programming; Windows users will need to download “Audacity,” while Apple users will already have “Garageband” installed as a standard program. Wifi will not be required. The workshop will begin with introduction of the workshop leaders’ journey in creating a successful medical education podcast, assessment of learner podcast experience, and orientation of podcasting equipment (15 minutes). Learners will divide into pairs, brainstorm podcast topic, and record a five-minute podcast (20 minutes). We will then learn about editing equipment (10 minutes). Learners will then edit their podcast and create a finished product (10 minutes). Finally, we will have a large group discussion about podcast dissemination through podcast hosts, website creation, and social media outlets (15 minutes). We will conclude with questions and closing discussion (5 minutes).
Interactive Component: Workshop participants will record a short podcast, edit it, and promote it via Twitter in small groups. Large group discussions will also be held regarding personal experience with these topics.
Take-home Product: Other than their recorded podcast, learners will be given a lecture on podcast creation via vodcast to download
Topics: Faculty Development Seminar, 2020, Resident, Faculty, Clerkship Director, Residency Director, Medical Knowledge, GME, CME, Independent Study,