2024 FDS Round Table Abstract Submission Form

  • In selecting abstracts, our goal is to be inclusive and equitable using a blinded review process and limiting presenters to serving as first or second author on a maximum of two accepted presentations. We hope this approach maximizes opportunities for both presenters and institutions and fosters diversity, giving an opportunity for scholarship voice to all our members.

    No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics, or cities may be listed in the title or abstract text, or précis. The same applies to the extent possible for Innovation Fest submissions.
  • The submission deadline is June 5, 2023.
  • (Limited to 100 characters, including spaces)
  • Author Information

  • Enter information exactly how you would like it to appear in the program. No more than one author is permitted per Round Table abstract UNLESS the first author is a medical student, resident or fellow. If a Round Table whose first author is a medical student, resident or fellow is selected, they MUST BE paired with a faculty member who is an APGO-member and who will register for the meeting, attend, and actively support the presentation in person.
  • (Permitted ONLY IF first author is physician-in-training)
  • (Permitted ONLY IF first author is physician-in-training)
  • (Permitted ONLY IF first author is physician-in-training)
  • (Permitted ONLY IF first author is physician-in-training)
  • (Permitted ONLY IF first author is physician-in-training)
  • (The precis is limited to a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces.)
  • Abstract

    (maximum of 100 words)
  • (e.g. educational relevance)
  • (e.g. toolkit, resources, rubrics, handouts, pocket guides)