2024 FDS Speaker Confirmation

Primary Author Name(Required)
Presentation Type(Required)
By checking this box, I confirm that the speakers listed below will attend the APGO FDS and present the submitted material at the date/time listed in the abstract acceptance letter.
By checking this box, I confirm that the speakers listed below will attend the APGO FDS and present the submitted material at the date/time listed in the abstract acceptance letter.


List all speakers who will be presenting in person at the 2024 FDS. Workshops: maximum of three presenters. Round Table: maximum of one presenter UNLESS the first author is a medical student, resident or fellow, a faculty member is also required to be present. Innovation Fest: maximum of two presenters.
List any authors who are on the abstract but will not be participating in person.
Decline participation:
Check this box to decline this presentation for all authors at the APGO FDS.