2023 CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting ONSITE Exhibit Booth Staff Form

Meeting Policies

All exhibit personnel are required to adhere to the 2023 CREOG & APGO Meeting Policies detailed below.

COVID Policy

ACOG and APGO support following CDC guidelines which include vaccination and being current on boosters with mask recommendations tied to local transmission rates. As such, mask recommendations will evolve as meeting time approaches.

ACOG/APGO Meetings Anti-Harassment Policy

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants at ACOG meetings.

All participants are expected to abide by the ACOG/APGO Meetings Anti-Harassment Policy, which applies in all virtual and in person meetings and events including any ancillary breakouts, meeting breaks, and social gatherings held in conjunction with the meeting. The policy can be found at www.acog.org/meetingspolicy.

If you are being harassed, or see someone else being harassed, please call 844-460-6615. You may also email comments or concerns.

Please also read ACOG’s Statement of Values and Whistleblower Policy.

Privacy Statement

ACOG/APGO takes your personal privacy seriously. This statement provides information concerning how your personal data may be used by ACOG/APGO. Information concerning attendees and their guests may be used and/or distributed by ACOG for its operational, institutional, and/or marketing purposes, including to improve future meetings. Such information may also be distributed to 2022 CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting exhibitors and/or presenters. Attendees and their guests hereby release ACOG/APGO from any liability arising from use of their personal information in ways that are consistent with this statement. Information regarding privacy protections and terms of use for those who access ACOG's website or other digital properties can be found here.

Photo/Video Release

During the Annual Meeting, attendees, vendors, guests and exhibitors may be photographed by the CREOG & APGO official photographers/videographers. Attendees grant permission to the CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting official photographers/videographers to take photographs or video of the exhibitors’ booths and exhibitors’ employees and contractors during the CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting. In addition, attendees also grant ACOG and APGO the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use these photographs and/or videos of attendees including the rights to publish, reproduce, crop, edit, assign, exhibit, and distribute copies of the photograph or video, in print, electronic or other media. Attendees also represent, warrant, and guarantee that they have full power and authority to grant this permission.

I agree to the above 2023 CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting Policies(Required)

Each commercial exhibiting organization is eligible for up to four (4) ID badges. Any changes to booth personnel after February 17, 2023 will result in additional fees of $30.00 per badge printed onsite.(Required)

Exhibit Booth Personnel Information for Conference ID Badges and Meeting App

(for onsite only if you are not reachable by email)
Exhibit booth staff will be required to show a government issued photo ID to pick up their exhibit badge onsite.