2022 Virtual FDS – Presenter Information

Welcome to the APGO 2022 Virtual Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar Presenter Page. The meeting will be held online from January 9-10, 2022 and January 21 and 28, 2022. If you have any questions regarding your presentation, contact Kelly Toepper,  Director, Meetings and Events, at ktoepper@apgo.org or (410) 451-9564.


The deadline to upload your video presentation for on-demand viewing by attendees is XXX. Click here to upload your video presentation.

Important note: Workshop videos must be 40 minutes or less and 100 MB or less. Round Tables and Innovation Festival videos should be 15-20 minutes. See below for details on recording your presentation.

Presentations must be original work, and not previously published or presented at any other national or regional meeting.

Speaker Training for the platform will be scheduled

Syllabus material updates are due by XXX

Workshop Presenters:

  • Workshop sessions are one hour each (60 minutes). This includes time for your presentation and Q&A.
  • Workshop presenters will be able to share their PPT or prerecorded video presentations live in the session by sharing their own screens.
  • Presenters will be live on video during the sessions.
  • Attendees will be visible and will participate via a chat/discussion window.
  • Recording your presentation for on-demand viewing is an option. Let us know if this is your choice.
  • Click here to upload your syllabus materials. These materials will be included in the meeting platform. The deadline for updated syllabus materials is xxx.

Round Table Presenters:

  • Round tables will be presented in groups of three on Sunday, January 9, 2021, from xxxpm. Watch your email for the groupings.
  • Each presentation will be 15 min long followed by five minutes of Q&A. After all Round Tables have been presented, there will be time for more Q&A for any of the presenters. We encourage you to contact the other presenters in your group ahead of the meeting.
  • Round Table presenters will be able to present their PPT or prerecorded video presentations live in the session by sharing their screens.
  • Presenters and attendees will be live on video during the session.
  • Attendees will be visible and able to participate via live discussion and chat.
  • Click here to upload your syllabus materials. These materials will be included in the meeting platform. The deadline for submitting updated syllabus materials is XXX
  • Instructions for the platform will be sent to speakers.

Innovation Fest Presenters:

  • Each presentation will be allotted 15 min followed by five minutes of Q&A. After all presentations in the group have been made, there will be time for additional Q&A for any of the presenters. We encourage you to contact the other presenters in your group ahead of the meeting. Watch your email for groupings.
  • Innovation Fest presenters will be able to present their presentations live in the session by sharing their screen.
  • Presenters and attendees will be live on video during the sessions.
  • Attendees will be able to participate via live discussion.
  • Click here to upload your syllabus materials. These materials will be included in the meeting platform. The deadline for updated syllabus materials is xxx.
  • Instructions for the platform will be sent to speakers.

Recording your presentation:

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation that will show all speakers’ presence via a webcam and display the PPT slides as you talk. You are free to use any recording software that you prefer as long as you obtain a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format that includes the presenters’ faces and the presentation. Simply start a meeting in any of the below programs and once all presenters are present and the PPT is ready and being shared, start recording. There are many websites to help you prepare and record your presentation. Your institution may have online resources available to help. Video presentations should be 40 minutes or less and 100 MB or less.

Suggested programs* to use to create the MP4:

Microsoft Teams
WebEx: Video Conferencing
Skype: Skype for Business
Google Meet

*Some of the programs listed above require the user to pay a fee. If you do not have personal access to any of them, check with your institution to see if you are able to use their accounts to record your presentation. See below for some resources and links to Zoom and GotoMeetings help sites.

Setting up:

Computer and Internet:

  • If you have a hardline internet connection available, then we suggest you use it. If you do not have one, use a high-speed internet connection. Set up as close to the router as possible.
  • If you will be using a laptop, plug it in and leave it plugged in. This stops the laptop from disabling certain power/battery functions and it’s a backup in the event you forget to charge it.


  • A headset or earbuds with a microphone will provide the best sound quality for everyone in the session.
  • Laptop speakers and mic can create feedback, and the sound quality is mediocre.
  • Record your session and join the meeting from a quiet space – background noise can be jarring.

Lighting and Video:

  • Light yourself from the front or side. Lights behind you or overhead will cause your face to be in shadow. Do not present with a window behind you. A window beside you will work well.
  • Position your camera at eye level. Raise it, if needed, using books or sturdy boxes. This creates an illusion that you are talking directly to the person watching and provides a more personal connection. By raising the camera, you will be less likely to look down which results in people looking up your nose! Adjusting the camera to eye height will greatly improve the experience for you and the audience.
  • Standing is better than sitting. Be sure the camera captures your entire head and shoulders.
  • Choose a neutral background free from clutter.

Multiple presenter sessions:

Some specific tips for multiple presenter sessions:

      • Mute yourself when not speaking to reduce background noise (just don’t forget to unmute when you begin speaking).
      • Encourage the audience to submit questions and comments through the session chat/discussion window.
      • Designate one presenter (or an attendee) to monitor the chat and alert presenters of questions.
      • Let the audience know at the start of the session how and when you plan to address their questions to set expectations for session structure.
      • At the end of the presentation, all speakers will be live for Q&A.


Speaker Tips for Effective Presentations

ZOOM and GoToMeeting: