2021 APGO FDS Call for Abstracts Overview

Virtual APGO FDS 2021: Plug In, Power Up and Reconnect

Sunday, January 10  – Tuesday, January 12, 2021

WorkshopPOWERRound Table, and Innovation Festival information.

Click here to utilize our Abstract Submission Checklist.

The APGO FDS is highly regarded for providing excellent opportunities that energize medical educators and enable them to network with other physician-educators actively engaged in the pursuit of excellence in ob-gyn medical education. We look forward to receiving your submission for a workshop, round table, and/or the innovation festival.

The 2021 theme is “Plug in, Power Up and Reconnect” and encompasses the following subthemes:

  • UME Innovations: Virtual Reality
  • Solving UME Challenges: Electric Ideas
  • Faculty Development: Recharging Your Batteries

General Abstract Instructions and Guidelines for Submission

APGO encourages faculty, residents and medical students to participate in the 2021 APGO Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar by submitting abstracts for the program’s workshops, round table discussions and innovation festival. Residents and students who submit abstracts must be partnered with a faculty member. Separate abstract forms must be submitted for workshops, round table discussions and the innovation festival. The submission deadline was May 26, 2020. Abstracts received after that date will not be considered for the program.

This meeting is education-based and focuses on medical student education. Abstracts on resident education with applicability to student learning or general education are also appropriate. Clinical outcome research topics are not appropriate and will not be reviewed. Workshops and round tables at the APGO FDS are meant to be interactive learning experiences for the attendees. Be sure to include specific details regarding active learning. Presentations based on the science of teaching and learning, the development of educational research skills, and promoting the use of evidence-based education will be highly regarded. Preference will also be given for multi-institutional abstracts.

Click here to watch a video outlining successful components of FDS abstract submissions. For a sample abstract, click here.

To be considered for the program, abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines described below. A “blinded” review process will be used again this year. No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or abstract text, or précis. The same applies for innovation festival submissions. One (1) point will be deducted from your ranking score if any identifiers are included in your submission.

To foster diversity and maximize opportunities for both presenters and institutions, presenters will be limited to serving as first or second author on a maximum of two accepted presentations.

A précis must accompany each workshop, round table and/or innovation festival abstract submission. Be specific and accurately describe the substance of your session, as the précis is used by meeting participants at registration to select the sessions they would like to attend.

The accepted 2021 APGO FDS abstracts will also be included in the online APGO Abstract Catalog. It is important that you follow the directions in the submission form completely to ensure that your abstract is searchable.

Important Note: Individuals whose abstracts are accepted for presentation are required to register for the meeting and pay the registration fee.

Audiovisual Support

  • Workshops: Presenters will use their own laptops/tablets for workshops. Each meeting room will have an LCD projector and a flipchart. WiFi will be available but should not be depended on for streaming during presentations.
  • Round Tables: There will be no audiovisual support for round table discussions.
  • Innovation Festival: Innovation Festival presenters are required to bring ALL equipment/supplies needed for their displays. Access to one (1) standard 120V outlet will be the only audiovisual support available for Innovation Festival presenters.

Workshop Abstract Submission Instructions

The format for this meeting allows for approximately 30 abstracts to be selected for presentation as 75-minute interactive workshop sessions. Sessions should employ active learning, maximize group activities and discussions, and should not be solely lecture format. Workshop abstract topics should reflect the program theme and be pertinent to undergraduate medical education, although other education-based topics may be considered. The workshop goals should be to provide participants with new knowledge and/or proven techniques and tools that will enhance teaching and learning experiences at their home institutions or enhance participants’ professional development as educators.

Authors are asked to indicate into which subtheme the abstract best fits:

  • Aloe on the Burn (Challenges and Solutions)
  • Solar Power (Innovation)
  • YoUV Protection (Faculty Development)

Workshops must have a minimum of two (2) presenters, or a maximum of three (3) presenters. Therefore, abstracts will be limited to 2 – 3 authors. At least one author must be an APGO member. Any student or trainee authors must have an APGO faculty member paired with them for the workshop presentation. If accepted, all authors are expected to register and pay for the meeting.

The title of the workshop abstract is limited to 100 characters, including spaces. The précis is limited to a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces. The abstract itself is comprised of the objective, background, workshop agenda, interactive component, and take-home product. Together these five sections must not exceed 250 words.

The format of the workshop abstract is:

  • Title (maximum of 100 characters including spaces)
  • Author(s)
  • This presentation is a _____________ project:
    • Single-institutional
    • Multi-institutional
  • Précis (maximum of 140 characters including spaces)
  • Abstract (maximum of 250 words)
    • Objective/background (e.g. educational relevance)
    • Workshop agenda (e.g. elements, structure, timeframe)
    • Interactive component
    • Take-home product (e.g. toolkit, resources, rubrics, handouts, pocket guides)
    • Word count

Additional information to be provided: In two simple sentences or less, each author must summarize their expertise or experience related to the abstract topic, and/or as a presenter at other similar meeting formats. This summary is in addition to the 250-word limit for workshop abstracts.

If your workshop abstract is not accepted, but you would be willing to have the abstract considered for a round table discussion, please indicate this in the workshop abstract submission form. If your workshop abstract is not accepted, and you are a first-time APGO presenter who would be willing to have the abstract considered for the POWER program, please indicate this in the workshop abstract submission form as well.

APGO Proposed Oral Workshop Educational Review (POWER) Program

The POWER program allows first-time authors an opportunity for mentoring by presenting their proposals to senior APGO FDS faculty members for future workshop submissions. If you are a prospective first-time presenter at the APGO FDS and would like your workshop to be considered for the POWER program and an oral presentation, please indicate your interest on the abstract submission form. Abstracts to be considered for the POWER program are submitted and considered for acceptance through the standard abstract submission process. If your abstract is not accepted to the 2021 APGO FDS for a workshop session, but is accepted into the POWER program, you will be invited to attend the meeting and participate in the POWER program on Monday afternoon, January 11, 2021. POWER presenters are expected to register and pay for the meeting. During this mentoring session you will be asked to give a 5-minute oral presentation of your workshop proposal (not the actual workshop). This closed-group session will be followed by individual mentoring for future workshop development by senior APGO members.

Round Table Abstract Instructions

The popular round table discussions will be held during a morning breakfast session. The current format allows 15 – 18 abstracts to be selected for presentation. Each round table discussion group will include the abstract author and up to 10 participants. The round table discussions are approximately 45 minutes long. Round tables should be interactive. Authors must be APGO members. If accepted, all authors are expected to register and pay for the meeting. No more than one author is permitted per round table abstract, unless the first author is a physician-in training. If physicians-in-training are selected to present a round table, they must be paired with a faculty member who is also an APGO member. This is the only case where two authors are permitted for round tables.

Authors are asked to indicate into which subtheme the abstract best fits:

  • Aloe on the Burn (Challenges and Solutions)
  • Solar Power (Innovation)
  • YoUV Protection (Faculty Development)

The title of the round table abstract is limited to 100 characters, including spaces. The précis is limited to a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces. The abstract itself is comprised of the objective or purpose of the presentation and major discussion points. Together these two sections must not exceed 100 words.

The format of the round table abstract is:

  • Title (maximum of 100 characters including spaces)
  • Author
  • 2nd Author (permitted ONLY IF 1st Author is physician-in-training)
  • This presentation is a _____________ project:
    • Single-institutional
    • Multi-institutional
  • Précis (maximum of 140 characters, including spaces)
  • Abstract (maximum of 100 words)
    • Objective or purpose of the presentation
    • Major discussion points
    • Word count

Additional information to be provided: In two simple sentences or less, each author must summarize their expertise/experience related to the abstract topic and/or as a presenter at other similar meeting formats. This summary is in addition to the 100-word limit for round table abstracts.

As no audiovisual equipment will be available for round table discussions, these presentations should be truly interactive discussions about interesting and current topics in education, with the author serving as facilitator/leader.

Innovation Festival Submission Guidelines

For the first time, the APGO FDS will be accepting submissions for innovative tools and resources that can be used to advance women’s health education. Examples include low fidelity simulation, educational videos, gamification, case-based flipped classroom, digital applications or interactive web-based curricula. Submissions should be actual products that can be and/or are being used for women’s health education. Consider submitting an abstract describing your innovative tool or resource for review. Medical students, residents, fellows and faculty are all encouraged to submit innovations.

The title of the innovation festival abstract is limited to 100 characters, including spaces. The précis is limited to a maximum of 140 characters, including spaces. The abstract itself is comprised of the objective or purpose of the tool/resource and description of how the tool/resource is currently being used or how you plan to use it at your home institution. The abstract must not exceed 100 words.

Innovation Festival tools/resources must meet the following criteria:

  • Relevant to the field of women’s health
  • Relevant to Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)
  • Usable as an educational tool/product to teach students, faculty, others
  • Free for use by the APGO membership

The format of the innovation festival abstract is:

  • Title of the Innovative Tool/Resource (maximum of 100 characters, including spaces)
  • Author(s)
  • This presentation is a _____________ project:
    • Single-institutional
    • Multi-institutional
  • Type of tool/resource (low tech model, mobile app, web-based app, film, other (specify)
  • Targeted learners
  • Précis (maximum of 140 characters, including spaces)
  • Abstract (maximum of 100 words)
    • Objective or purpose of the tool/resource
    • Description of how the tool/resource is currently being used or how you plan to use it at your home institution
    • Word count
  • Innovation Festival presenters are required to bring ALL equipment/supplies needed for their displays. Will you need power (standard 120V outlet) to operate your innovation? (Y/N)
  • If resource is currently online, provide weblink
  • If resource is currently password protected, provide password
  • Upload: If tool/resource is NOT online, upload a photograph (jpg, pdf) or video (mp3, mp4) displaying innovation

Additional information to be provided: In two simple sentences or less, each author must summarize their expertise/experience related to the abstract topic and/or as a presenter at other similar meeting formats. This summary is in addition to the 100-word limit for innovation festival abstracts.

Abstract Deadlines Reminder

The deadline for all abstract submissions was Tuesday, May 26, 2020. Abstracts received after that date will not be considered for the program. All abstracts MUST be submitted electronically through the online abstract submission system. The APGO Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UMEC) will review all proposals, after which time those who submitted proposals will be contacted regarding their submissions. The UMEC reviewers will be blinded to institution and to the authors to avoid bias in selecting abstracts.

To help you plan your calendars, we include the following timeline:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance or Rejection: Mid-August 2020

We look forward to seeing you at the 2021 APGO Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar and appreciate your interest in submitting material for consideration.

Click here to utilize our Abstract Submission Checklist.