2021 APGO Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar:
Call for Plenary Presenter
APGO is now accepting proposal submissions for a plenary presentation at the
2021 APGO Martin L. Stone, MD, Faculty Development Seminar.
Saturday, January 9, 2021 – Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, AZ
Proposal Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2020, 11:59 pm EDT
The APGO FDS is highly regarded for providing excellent opportunities to energize medical educators and to network with other physician-educators actively engaged in the pursuit of excellence in medical education. In keeping with the mission and core values of APGO, for the first time, the APGO Undergraduate Medical Education Committee would like to give members in good standing the opportunity to submit an abstract for a 50-minute plenary session at the 2021 APGO FDS.
Plenary sessions at the APGO FDS are inspirational, motivational, high-energy, forward-thinking, large forum talks that address a foundational or timely topic in medical education or educator faculty development. These are meant to inspire medical educators and leaders in the field.
General Proposal Instructions and Guidelines for Submission
The proposed presenter must be an APGO member in good standing.
The submission deadline is February 3, 2020, 11:59 pm, EDT. Proposals received after that date will not be considered for the program.
A précis must accompany each submission. This short description (no longer than three lines) of your submission will be used in the final program. Please be specific and accurately describe the content of your session.
If your plenary proposal is accepted for presentation you will be required to register for the meeting and pay the registration fee. A modest honorarium will be offered for this plenary presentation.
Plenary presentations will be made from a stage to approximately 200 conference attendees. Plenary meeting rooms are generally equipped with a podium and audiovisual support such as a wireless microphone, LCD projector and sound.
The title of the plenary proposal is limited to 100 characters, including spaces, and the proposal text must not exceed 250 words. The word count must be included at the bottom of the proposal text.
The format of the abstract should include:
- Title
- Author
- Background/educational relevance
- Learning objectives
- Description of content
- Take home points
- Keywords (3)
- Précis
- Word count
Additional information to be provided: In 500 words or less, each potential plenary speaker must submit a biosketch summarizing their expertise or experience related to the plenary topic, and as a presenter at other similar meeting formats. This summary is in addition to the proposal.
Proposal Deadlines Reminder
All proposals MUST be submitted electronically through the online submission system. The APGO Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UMEC) will review all proposals in February 2020, after which time those who submitted proposals will be contacted regarding their submissions.
Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection: March 2020