2020 Clerkship Directors’ School 301 Agenda & Syllabus Material


7:30 – 7:40 am
Introduction and Overview
Helen K. Morgan, MD

7:40 – 8:10 am
Riding the Rollercoaster: Challenges in Grading
Scott C. Graziano, MD, MS

Précis: Participants will identify and review hot topics related to clerkship grading practices.


  1. Identify challenging aspects of assessing learners on the clerkship
  2. Discuss opportunities and best practices to improve clerkship grading

8:10 – 9:10 am
Rumble in the Grading Jungle

Précis: Learners will participate in robust discussions, stimulated by a brief debates on controversial and hot topics in grading and assessment


  1. Compare and contrast forward feeding practices in clerkships
  2. Compare and contrast weighing evaluations to account for inter-rater variability
  3. Compare and contrast best practices for assessing competency

Round 1:  To Pass or Not to Pass? Should assessment data about students be passed forward from one clerkship to the next?

Susan M. Cox, MD v. Elise N. Everett, MD, MSc

Round 2: Hawks and Doves and what to do about them (and their evaluation data)? Should clerkship directors differentially weigh evaluation data from faculty based on their individual proclivity to positively or negative weigh students?

Christopher Morosky, MD, MS v. LaTasha B. Craig, MD

Round 3: OSCEs, shelf exams, clinical assessments, oral exams or bust. Is there a best practice for assessing the competency of our students?

Shireen Madani Sims, MD v. Scott C. Graziano, MD, MS

9:10 – 9:40 am
The Game Within the Game: Adding Fun and Magic into Your Curriculum
Celeste Royce, MD, Angela Fleming, DO

Précis: Learners will apply gaming principles to help engage students and promote learning


  1. Identify ways to integrate gaming easily into didactic sessions
  2. Apply principles of competition and teamwork to teaching bread-and-butter topics and complex clinical concepts

9:40 – 9:50 am

9:50 – 10:50 am
The Ride Isn’t Over: After the Clerkship (Attend all 3, 20 minutes)

Precis: Learners will participate in small group discussions and discuss ways to assist students after the clerkship.

CV preparation
LaTasha B. Craig, MD, Shireen Madani Sims, MD

  • Participants will review importance of the CV and best practices for creation and maintenance

Personal Statement
Susan M. Cox, MD, Celeste Royce, MD

  • Participants will review importance of the personal statement and best practices for creation

Interview preparation
Elise N. Everett, MD, MSc, Laura Hopkins, MD, MSc

  • Participants will brainstorm ways to teach the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary for a successful, high quality residency interview

10:50 – 11:00 am

Bridge to the Future: The mentor/mentee relationship
Margaret L. McKenzie, MD, MS

Précis: Participants will learn to maximize their mentorship relationship, both as the mentor, and as the mentee.

11:30 – 11:40 am
Coordinators enter for lunch

11:40 – 12:30 am
The Magic of Millennials: Understanding Our Learners
Scott C. Graziano, MD, MS, Laura Hopkins, MD, MSc

Précis: Participants will review differences between various generations in the learning environment and discuss best practices to optimize communication.


  1. Understand the profile of millennials and the connection to their communication styles
  2. Describe communication strategies to incorporate into the learning environment/clerkship
  3. Discuss best practices to mitigate communication issues between generations in the learning environment