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Remediation Of Clinical Reasoning In UME: A Systematic Review

Objective:        Systematic review of existing literature on methods for remediating clinical reasoning deficits in undergraduate medical education.

Data Sources: Comprehensive database search was conducted in March 2022 of PubMed, Embase, Medline (via OVID), Scopus, Web of Science, and ERIC using a combination of keywords and controlled vocabulary to search for \"clinical reasoning\", \"undergraduate education\", and \"remediation\" conceptual groups. Search was restricted to English language without date constraints. Initial search returned 2426 articles with 7 studies selected for final analysis.

Methods of Study Selection: Primary studies that specifically addressed clinical reasoning remediation in medical students and included at least a framework or outcome data.

Tabulation, Integration and Results: Final articles were reviewed for extraction of data such as remediation modality, faculty training, timeframe, post-remediation outcomes and satisfaction. Thematic analysis was conducted for qualitative data. Of the 7 analyzed articles, most addressed general remediation of clinical skills of which clinical reasoning was a subset. Only 2 articles specifically focused on remediation of clinical reasoning and only 1 of these, an observational study, included a thorough description of the program as well as quantitative outcome data.

Although there exists extensive literature on teaching and assessing clinical reasoning, remediation is not well represented. Guides from remediation experts provide useful recommendations on developing remediation programs. However, this review demonstrates the relative dearth of primary studies on clinical reasoning remediation in UME suggesting an area of further research on the design and outcomes of structured programs to enable adaption for variable settings with reliable outcomes.

Topics: ASL, 2023,

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Moune Jabre, MD

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