Objective: To implement surgical encounter cards in an effort to improve communication and formative feedback during OB/Gyn resident surgical education.
Study Design: A pre-test survey was completed by resident and attending physicians in the Department of OB/Gyn at the University of Oklahoma to provide needs assessment prior to the implementation of surgical encounter cards. The survey was designed to elicit opinions on surgical education prior to the intervention. Following this initial survey, encounter cards were introduced for 8-week period and goals of the project were outlined with the group. A post-test survey was completed by resident and attending physicians following completion of the study period.
Results: Pre-test surveys were completed by 100% of residents (n = 24) and 86% (n = 25) of faculty.The majority of resident (65%) and attending physicians (70%) agreed that our current system for pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative feedback needed substantial improvement. During the 8-week trial period, 160 cards were completed. Lower level residents submitted 64% of all cards (PGY-1 33%, PGY-2 31%, PGY-3 14%, and PGY-4 22%). Post-test surveys were completed by 100% of residents and 59% (n = 17) of faculty. Most residents (88%) and faculty (89%) “agreed” or strongly agreed” that encounter cards improved feedback immediately postoperative, and most residents (96%) believed surgical education would be enhanced by a system to provide immediate feedback. Faculty (89%) also reported they would support a system to provide immediate feedback during surgical education.
Conclusions: Surgical encounter cards are an effective method for improving communication and formative feedback during surgical education.
Topics: 2014, Resident, Faculty, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Director, Residency Coordinator, Patient Care, GME,
Date Presented
2014 ASL Abstract
Feedback & Evaluation, Evaluation of Clinical Performance, Faculty Development, Mentoring
Intended Audience
Resident, Faculty, Residency Director, Osteopathic Faculty, Residency Coordinator
Copentencies Addressed
Patient Care
Educational Continuum
Primary Author
Lisa M. Landrum, MD PhD