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Let Sunshine in Your Learning Environment: A Novel Method Engaging Students in Difficult Conversations and Planning

Objective/Background: Engaging students to candidly share learning environment

experiences is essential to understand existing problems. Traditional information gathering methods,

including surveys, do not create a conversational space for student affirmation and empowerment.

Other informal conversations create buzz while not necessarily contributing to actionable intervention


The Group Level Assessment (GLA) is a recently described, participatory group method generating data

that participants themselves analyze and discuss. Published applications of the GLA include diverse participants, including Fortune 500 teams, and academic/community research groups. We have

conducted learning environment GLAs with medical students and residents to illuminate diverse

perspectives and plan to share this methodology by conducting a mock GLA with meeting participants.

Workshop Agenda: A 10-minute didactic session will introduce the benefits and format of the GLA. We

will then conduct a mock GLA and conclude with idea sharing and reflections on the process.

Participants will discuss potential applications of the GLA at their home institutions.

Interactive Component: We will conduct an abbreviated mock Group Level Assessment with

participants. During the GLA, participants respond to prompts or open-ended questions, addressing

group concerns and future directions. Prompts fostering participant imagination are included to raise

group energy level. GLA participants share prompt responses anonymously on Post-it Notes® placed on

wall charts. The responses are analyzed by small participant groups. Finally, the larger group discusses

the analysis and devises a strategic action plan.

Take-home Product: Participants will participate in a Group Level Assessment and leave with resources

to conduct a session at their home institution.

Key Words: Learning Environment, Methods

Topics: Faculty Development Seminar, 2019, Student, Resident, Faculty, Clerkship Director, Residency Director, Systems-Based Practice & Improvement, GME, UME,

General Information

Student,Resident,Faculty,Clerkship Director,Residency Director,
Systems-Based Practice & Improvement,
Clinical Focus

Author Information

Amy Thompson, MD, Amber Young, MS4, Diane Young, MD

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